20 - Tears

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"Do you want me to come to the airport?" I asked Luke as I sat on his bed while he put some last minute things in his bag.

"Of course I do" he said as he zipped the suit case up. "I'm going to miss you" He said and leant over to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss as I placed my hands on his cheeks.

"I'm going to miss you too" I said as he pulled away. Luke moved his suit case on to the ground near the door. He moved and sat down on the bed next to me. He kissed me again and pushed me back slowly on to the bed so I was lying on my back. Luke knelt above me like the first time when we kissed on my bed.

I kissed him back with as much passion as I could. Just as things started to get heated we were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Luke got off his bed to answer it. I couldn't help but giggle because his hair was all messy from me running my fingers through it. When Luke opened the door it was his Mum.

"Both of you be ready by one because that's when we will leave" She said. "Are you all packed?" She asked Luke. He nodded. "Good. oh and son if you are going to make out with your girlfriend, at least fix your hair before you answer the door" She laughed and winked at me. I started to laugh at Luke's horrified expression.

"Mum" Luke groaned as he covered his face with his hands.

"Leave your door open please" She smiled. "See you two in a bit" She laughed and walked off. I continued to laugh as Luke shut the door. The door then opened again and Liz raised her eyebrows at Luke before walking away. Luke walked back over to the bed and laid down. I sat up and leant my back against the wall and Luke rested his head on my lap. "How's your head?" He asked. I lifted my hand a traced my finger over the stitches in my head.

"It's okay, it stings a bit. But it's fine" I said. I brought my hand back down and ran my hands through Luke's hair. He closed his eyes as we stayed on his bed like this for a few minutes. "I'm going to miss you" He whispered as he opened his eyes to look at me. I gave him a small smile.

"I'm going to miss you as well, even if it is only for 2 weeks" I leant down and kissed his cheek.

"We should probably get ready, considering it's 12 o'clock" He said as he sat up. He got up and walked over to his cupboard. I got up off the bed to check my phone that was sitting on his desk. *2 missed calls - Mum* Whoops.

I sat back down on Luke's bed and dialled her number. She picked up on the second ring. "Olivia! Where the hell are you?!" She said obviously angry and worried. "I come home this morning to an empty house! You didn't even bother to call or text me!"

"Sorry mum, when I went back to Luke's place last night after the concert-" I began.

"Here we go again. It's always Luke isn't! You are always with him and you don't care about anyone else but him and your self! I'm sick of it Olivia! Maybe you should have stayed in Melbourne! That way you would have never gotten involved with Luke! He is bad for you Olivia! I don't won't you to see him anymore, I don't trust him!" She yelled through the phone. I looked up at Luke who must have heard the whole thing. I didn't even know what to say because I was not expecting her to say any of that.. "I'm coming to pick you up right now and then you are not to see Luke or any of his little friends again!" She yelled before the line went dead. I threw my phone on Luke's bed and ran over to Luke.

"I'm so sorry!" I told him. Luke pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me. "We can make this work without her knowing" I rushed. Luke covered my lips with his. I kissed him back not wanting to let go of him.

"Don't worry baby" He said as he hugged me again. He kissed my forehead again. "I will miss you so much" Just as we were hugging we heard the doorbell ring. Luke's mum must have opened it because I could hear my Mum yelling.

"Where is my daughter?!" She yelled. A lump formed in my throat as Luke and I stayed put in his room. Luke tightened his grip on me protectively as we heard two pairs of footsteps come up stairs. My Mum appeared in the door way and she looked pissed off. "Get away from her" She said through gritted teeth as she glared at Luke.

Luke didn't move one bit. My Mum walked straight over to us and pulled me away from Luke by my arm roughly. She pushed me behind her. I could smell alcohol on her. "Stay away from my daughter" She said in a low angry voice. Just as my Mum turned around Luke spoke.

"Hey beautiful, you forgot you phone" Luke said to me. He picked it up off his bed to hand it to me.

"Don't call her that you little brat" My mum said as she snatched the phone from him.

"How dare you talk to my son that way!" Liz yelled. "Get out of my house, now!"

"Gladly" My mum yelled back before dragging me down stairs. She pushed me out of the door and to the car. I got in the car and sat there in complete surprise. I didn't expect my mum to act like this. She used to be a bit irrational back in Melbourne but this was the worst I had every seen her. My mum started the car and drove off. "I can't believe you're wearing his clothes" She said disgustedly.

I completely forgot that I was wearing his clothes, oh great and I forgot my clothes and shoes. I tried to explain the situation to my Mum in the car but she wouldn't have any of it. She would just cut me off. The drive was quick and before I knew it we were home. I got out of the car and started to walk inside slowly as I thought of Luke. My Mum was already at the front door.

"Olivia! Are you okay?" Calum yelled from across the road. I ran across the road and hugged him. "What happened?" Calum asked me.

"Olivia! Come back here now!" My mum yelled.

"Mum said that Luke and I can't be together anymore, she said I can't see any of you" I told him sadly. I still couldn't believe that any of this was happening, it just felt like a bad dream.

"That's horrible" He said as he looked at me sadly.

"I know, please tell Luke something for me?" I asked him. He nodded. "Anything"

"Tell him to have fun and that I will see him when he gets back" I said. Calum nodded again. My mum was about to cross the road to come get me. "I will see you soon. Have fun and good luck" I said as I hugged him one last time before I went back across the road.

"That was stupid!" My mum said once we got back inside. "You are a stupid girl!" She said and slapped me across the face. I felt the lump in my throat again and I held back the tears.

"Why are you doing this?! I didn't do anything wrong. Just let me explain" I yelled out.

"Shut up Olivia, I don't care what you have to say. Just go to your room!" She said. I ran upstairs and laid down on my bed. I gripped the side of my face as I began to sob into my pillow. I ended up falling asleep as I cried into my soft pillow and thought of Luke.

© xKelsey5SOSx

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