It was now mid November. Luke and I had been broken up for while now and I had hardly talked to any of them. 5 Seconds of Summer had now supported Hot Chelle Rae on their Australian tour, they had a growing fan base they went to London for a little while and are leaving to go back there again next month. Yeah, they are getting pretty big and they even had Niall Horan from One Direction tweet the link to the Out Of My Limit video.
The unknown number had stopped sending me text messages which is good, it stopped when Juliana and Luke became a thing so I am guessing that it was Juliana sending the text messages but I don't want to act on it because I don't want anything to happen to the boys or Luke.
I was just getting ready for Jake's party, a guy in my grade who is dating my new friend Naomi. She noticed that I was sitting alone in one of our classes so she sat next to me and we have been friends ever since. At first I was a bit hesitant about making new friends after everything that happened with Juliana.
I looked at my appearance in the mirror. I had on a dark blue dress that sat just above the knee, it had a cream coloured collar around the top and a belt to match. I hated heels and dressy shoes so I just went with a pair of converse which luckily matched the colour of my dress. My make up was minimal, as I only had some around my eyes and my hair was tied back in a messy bun.
"You look awesome!" Naomi said as she walked back into my room. She was wearing a plain black dress and like me was wearing comfy shoes, but she was wearing black vans instead. I muttered a thanks and we were ready to go. We made our way down stairs and out to the car, Naomi had her P plates because she was a year older than me. She used to live in America for a year then when she came back she had to repeat the year she did in the USA. We got into her car and made our way to the party.
When we got there the music was blasting. I could hardly hear Naomi when she told me she was going to look for Jake. Once she walked off I went to the kitchen to get a drink. There were people everywhere drinking and dancing but I was not going to join in. I only came because Naomi insisted that I did. So I just got my self a red cup and filled it with Coca Cola. The music was to loud inside the house so I made my way out side. When I got out there it wasn't quiet but it was defiantly quieter than earlier.
I sat down on a stone wall by the edge of a small, well kept garden. I was sitting there for a few minutes just lost in my own thoughts when I was interrupted by someone.
"Hey Liv" I looked up and it was Ashton.
"Oh, um... Hi" I said quietly as I quickly took an interest in my drink. Ashton took a seat next to me and smiled.
"You look lonely" He said.
"I am lonely, I just want to go home" I said with a small laugh.
"You don't have to be lonely, you could come and hang out with me" he said and I just shook my head. I looked over and saw Juliana looking at me with raised eyebrows and crossed arms.
"That's probably not the best idea" I told him as I looked out over the large back yard and away from Juliana. There were teenagers drinking, making out and dancing everywhere, I would much rather be at home right now... with Luke cuddling me as we watched a movie. No, stop. I have to stop thinking about that.
"You okay? I haven't seen you in a while. How are you getting on?"
"I don't want to talk about it" I said quietly as I kicked a stone around with my foot.
"You look beautiful tonight by the way, when I saw you every guy out here was looking at you. And there is one who can't keep his eyes off of you" Ashton said as he bumped my shoulder with his. I laughed as I felt my cheeks go bright red.