35 - Insecurities

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"Olivia, what were you going to tell me yesterday?" Calum asked as we walked to school, it's our first day back to our 3rd term, what fun.

"Well I saw Amy at the shops yesterday and she told me that Luke will end up with someone that isn't me and I will end up heart broken. It freaked me out and I don't know what to think. A part of me believes that it will never happen but a part of me is freaking out because it might happen. Don't tell Luke that okay? If I want Luke to know then I will tell him" I told Calum. He nodded his head.

"I wouldn't tell anyone, it's okay. But why the hell did Amy tell you that? You have to believe that it's not true, okay? Luke loves you, no joke. He would do anything for you but he would never leave you for anybody and especially not Amy" Calum said as we turned down the street the school was located on. I could see the gates from here and I didn't want to continue this conversation.

"Yeah I know, can we stop talking about it though?" I said and Calum nodded. We walked the rest of the way to school in silence. Once we got there we met Luke and Michael inside.

"Hey guys" I said as we approached them. Luke walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me. He spun around and we both started to laugh.

"I missed you so much" Luke said as he placed small kisses all over my face. I laughed again as I nudged his shoulder and he put me down.

"Luke I saw you yesterday" I told him as I continued to laugh. Michael and Calum just looked at the two of us like we were crazy.

"Can't I miss my beautiful girlfriend?" Luke said with a pout as he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer. I laughed at him again. "Just kiss me" He said with a large smile. I playfully shook my head and he pouted once more. "Pleeeaasee?" He said with a pout still on his lips. I leant forward and pecked his bottom lip. He laughed at me before slamming his lips to mine. I pulled away from him and turned to Calum and Michael who were talking to each other but they turned to Luke and I.

"You two are so weird" Calum said. I looked at Luke and nodded.

"Yep, we are aren't we" I said and leant up to place a kiss on Luke's cheek. He smiled at me before returning the gesture. We all talked for a few more minutes until Juliana arrived. Her and Michael started a conversation straight away about some game they played on the weekend. Will those two please just hurry up and get together?

The bell went a few minutes later to signal that we had to go to home room. Luke and I had homeroom together which is lucky but the down side is that Amy is also in that class. Luke and I went to each other's lockers before making our way to class.

Luke and I sat down in our usual seats, the teacher called the role before we started to talk about random things. "You guys did really well at the studio yesterday, but how come you were so late?" I asked. "We all thought you forgot" I laughed. Luke went to reply but was cut off by the annoying voice that talked to me at the shops yesterday.

"Hey Luke, yesterday was fun. To bad you had to leave for the studio" She said with an annoying smirk. She brushed some of her red hair out of her eyes before winking at Luke and stalking away. I looked to Luke with wide eyes.

"You were with her?" I said to him. He shook his head. A part of me didn't believe him.

"No, I swear to god" Luke said. The bell signalled to go to the next class. "You have to believe me" I stood up from my chair and picked up my books.

"Don't Luke, just stop" I told him before leaving class quickly. I walked down the hallway as quick as I could but Luke caught up to me effortlessly because of his long legs.

"Liv, just listen to me" Luke said as he grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Please"

"Luke, I'm sick of listening to you con-" I was cut off by a teacher telling Luke and I to go to class.

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