36 - Proud

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"Luke stop trying to peek!" I told him as Ashton drove us to the music store. It's Luke's birthday today. I slept over at his house along with the boys and Juliana. Now we were all heading to the music store. I'm buying Luke a new guitar because he is always going on about getting a new one.

"Where are we going?!" Luke yelled. I started to laugh at him as I held his hand. He got his spare hand and waved it in front of my face. I continued to laugh before he put his hand on my face. He cupped my cheek in his hands and kissed me.

"What was that for?" I asked him as I pulled away from him.

"Can't I kiss my girl friend without having a reason?" Luke said with a laugh. I laughed with him before the car stopped out the front of the music store. "Can I open my eyes now?" Luke asked loudly.

"Nope! Here, hold my hand" I grabbed his hand and entwined our fingers. I guided him out of the car before all of us begun walking inside the music store. Luke fell over the step at the door and it was hilarious.

"I told you that there was a step there!" I told him as I helped him up and laughed at him.

"Well sorry!" He said with a laugh. Once he was up I stood in front of him.

"I'm taking the blind fold off now" I said before reaching up and taking the blind fold off. When I took it off Luke looked at me and smiled. He hadn't even seen where we were.

"I love you so much!" He told me before he picked me up and kissed me. I pulled away as he put me down.

"For your birthday I'm buying you a new guitar" I told him as we walked further into the shop.

"I know" Luke said. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. How did he know? "Calum told me, you really shouldn't tell that boy anything about surprises" Luke said with a laugh.

"Oh..." Was all I said. I looked at the ground and frowned. I wanted to surprise Luke and it was ruined. Luke tilted my head back up to look at him.

"Don't worry baby" He said as he pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head in to his chest. "But Liv, I don't want you to spend so much money on me" Luke said as he draped his arm over my shoulder and we walked over to the guitar section.

"To bad" I told him with a smile. We walked over to the guitar section and started looking at all the different kinds there were. Luke was looking at them and I told him that I would be back. I walked around the large store and there were so many things. I turned a corner and I saw Michael lean in and kiss Juliana! I jumped back around the corner so neither of them saw me. I ran back to Luke and told him.

"What! Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Yes! They were like making out!" I squealed. Okay, they weren't making out but I didn't tell Luke that. "Come on, lets investigate" I told him and he laughed. I grabbed his hand and we walked over to where I had seen them. We peaked around the corner and Michael and Juliana were laughing at something, neither of them had seen Luke or I. Michael stopped laughing before leaning in and kissing Juliana again. I looked up at Luke who was surprised and his mouth was hanging open. We stood back up and I smiled at him.

"I told you!" I whispered. "I'm going to ask her what's going on"


"Dunno, but soon" I told him. I peeked around the corner and they were still kissing, are Luke and I like that? "How about now?" I asked.

"Okay, tell Michael I want some help and then ask her" Luke said before pecking my lips and running back to the guitars.

"Juliana? Where are you?" I said loudly. I heard them moving around before she replied.

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