55 - Stop It

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"Ugh, I'm bored" I said to Luke as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Then go do something" Luke said grumpily and moved away from me.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him as I looked over at him.

"Nothing, go do something by your self" was all he said. It was now the mid-January and 5SOS are getting a lot of writing done and are hanging out with the 1D boys a lot more which is exciting. Luke got up and walked out of the room quickly, I was confused so I got up and followed him to the kitchen.

"Luke what's wrong?" I asked as i stood near the bench and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Will you just go away?" He asked as he looked at me. He looked upset and angry.

"Excuse me?" I asked, clearly surprised by the way he is acting.

"I said go away!" Luke said loudly and angrily before storming out of the kitchen and bumping into me on the way out causing me to fall slightly and hit my head on the corner of an open cupboard door.

"Ow!" I said loudly. I brought my hand up to my head and wiped away the blood. I didn't care though. Blood is a pretty familiar sight now. I walked out to the lounge room but Luke wasn't there.

"Um, what's wrong with Luke?"

"Nothing, why?" Calum said too quickly as his eyes darted to me and then back to the TV.

"What is it?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"What happened to your head?" Michael asked as he paused the game and looked at me.

"Luke bumped into me and I kinda fell and hit my head on an opened cupboard door" I said angrily. "Now what is it? What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing is wrong, just drop it Olivia!" Calum said loudly and I got up to find out from Luke. I walked up stairs quickly and into the bedroom I share with two messy teenagers. Luke was laying on the bed on his phone.

"Luke?" I said as I sat down on Calum's bed.

"Ugh! Do you not know the meaning of going away?!" Luke said grumpily.

"What is wrong with you?!" I asked him loudly as I stood up. "Why have you been acting weird around me for the past two weeks? You hardly talk to me anymore. When we are out in public you never hold my hand and when we are at home you just completely ignore me!" I said. Luke put his phone down and it beeped noting that he had a text message.

"Just stop Olivia!" He said as he stood up. His phone beeped again.

"No, tell me!" I yelled as I stood up and walked over to him. I stood in front of him and lets just say, I was extremely pissed off at him. "Tell me what I have done! Just tell me so we can fix this!"

"No we can't fix this!" He yelled as his phone beeped yet again.

"Why?!" I yelled. His phone beeped yet again. "And why the fuck does your phone keep going off?!"

"None of your business!" He yelled as it beeped yet again. I leaped forward and picked it up off the bed. He is hiding something from me. I just need to find out. I ran out into the hall way as I scrolled through the messages.

They were all from some girl. I unlocked his phone and scrolled through the messages that they had been sending. It was all cutesy kinds of things, like they were flirting over text message. It seemed like they had seen each other a few times. Luke cheated on me.

"What the fuck Olivia!" Luke yelled as he finally caught me. He snatched the phone out of my hands and I burst into tears.

"I fucking hate you! I can't believe you cheated on me!" I yelled as warm tears began to stream down my cheeks at a quick pace. I knew I wasn't good enough. I knew he would leave me for someone better.

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