Chapter 1 - Cold Welcome.

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High school was finally over. Thank GOD.

I'm Joshua. 18 years old. 2010, and I finally graduated that hell hole. Being number 30 at my class, I think that that's pretty decent. After taking pictures with my mother, father, grandmother, and aunt, the rest of the day went pretty swell. We ate dinner towards the end of the day, then I was finally able to come home to relax.

But even when I got home, my emotional mother couldn't help but to discuss about how happy she was with me.

"Oh, Josh!" My mother cried as she walked up and hugged my waist. I'm WAY taller than her. "You don't know how proud mama is! I'm so happy for you!"

"Oh lord, ma..." I groaned as I looked away. "Not the cornyness........."

"You should be lucky, boy." My father nodded as he walked into our living room. "Do you know that a majority of high schoolers don't graduate at your age?"


"That's why we're proud of you, boy." My father smiled as he stood behind. "Where do you plan to go to college since your grades can lead you wherever you want?"

"Mmm, I was planning on going to California State." I nodded. "However, I won't have nowhere to live since they don't have dor-"

"Hey, that's where your aunt lives!" My mother cheered as she looked up at him. "Your aunt Shay?"

I really wasn't interested in getting to know any relatives that lived outside of Seattle. I only kept in touch with my mom, dad, grandparents, and my aunt Lily. My fathers family was east african, so they lived far out of the country. A majority of my family on the other side lived in LA, so it was pretty awkward at family reunions. All of my family members on that side are gheto and raunchy, so I always try to stay away from them as much as possible.

But I really wanted to get in that college. And I was willing to do whatever it took to get there.

So 3 months after enrolling, talking to college conselors and setting up classes, I packed my bags and took my mothers advice. I moved 15 hours away to California. My mother helped me move my things while my father stayed behind and worked his second job. He paid for all of my moving equipment and my mother decided to drive us out there to get me settled.

When we arrived, I realized that my aunt was living in the slums. When I stood up and looked around, I could see kids running around the complex of the apartment areas. There were teenagers riding bikes, adults smoking, and just a 'I don't give a fuck' enviroment. There was liter everywhere, kids screaming and scrambling around, and everything else I was used to. I scrunched my eyebrows at my mother, looking around the complex.

Then, some man scurried up to me and stood there for a while. He pulled out a small plastic bag, handing me a CD.

"My mixtape drop on the 24th." The boy smiled as he walked off. "Listen to that, bruh."

I couldn't believe that this is where I would be staying. I scrunched my eyebrows at my mom, inching closer to her.

"Is this where i'ma be staying?" I asked in a terrified tone.

"Don't worry, it's not like this in the inside of your aunts home." My mother whispered back to me as she helped me bring my luggage in. "Come on. Let's go."

As I walked inside, my aunt was already waiting for me. She squealed as my mother dropped all of her things, wrapping her arms around her. They both rocked back and forth, coming close to crying after having not seen each other for almost 2 years. While they did this, I took a second to glance around the home.

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