Chapter 9 - Scared Straight.

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I ran outside, hoping that I could catch Isaiah after he sped off and somewhere inside of the extremely large complex. Of course, I was too late. I was pretty much late to everything. I rushed to my phone and called his number, but got no answer. I looked out of the window, then sighed as I rushed upstairs to see what was going on.

"Noah!" I panted as I jogged up the stairs and seen him holding his mother on the floor. "What the hell is going on?"

"That bastard just held a gun to my mama's head!" Noah barked as tears of rage fell down his eyes. "He can go rot for all I care! He could've killed my fucking mom!"

"Fuck." I thought in my head. "What the hell is going on?"

"I'll try to get in touch with him." I said out loud as I made my way back downstairs.

Again, I tried to call Isaiah 3 more times to see where he was. No response.

Meanwhile, he went to a different home so that no one would find him. Q's house. Next to Carlos's home, that was his second getaway spot. The difference between Q's house and Carlos's house is that if his mother ever went looking for him, he would never find him there because Aunt Shay never knew that he hung out with a white boy in the community.

"So yo' momma really just threw you out like that?" Q snarled as he shook his head. "Really?"

"Yeah, man." Isaiah snarled as he looked down at Kayson, who was sleeping in his carseat. "I done sold all that shit to help her ass and she threw me out. That's bullshit."

"Well I don't know why she would do that knowing that you got somewhere to stay." Q smiled as he gave him a handshake. "You know you my role dog and you can stay here. Hell, you ain't even gotta pay no rent. We both sell so.........yeah."

"Maybe I can sell until I get me and my son a place or some shit.." Isaiah continued, sighing and running his fingers through his head. "Then i'll bail."

"OH! Bro, I forgot to tell you!" Q said as he pointed at Isaiah, nodding his head quick. "We got word on those fools who robbed our asses earlier today! 'Los told me today!"

"Damn I love that nigga, Los! He need to be an investigator on some real shit." Isaiah cheesed as he sat up on the couch. "How'd he find out?"

"He got the license plate and called some people that he know outside of Schaefer." Q nodded, cheesing out of joy. "He was spotted somewhere around the area where yo' girl was killed."

Isaiah paused and looked away, watching Q's face flush a little after the comment that he said.

"I ain't been down there since I found out that she was killed, man.." Isaiah sighed as he looked away.

"You think that you can head over there for one last stroll?" Q said in a serious tone, glancing at him. "We gone get even with these nigga's and we gone get all of yo' money back so that you can get out of here. Especially with yo' son and shit.."

"Kayson! Fuck..." Isaiah gasped as he looked down at him. "Who gone watch him?"

"Hold on." Q said as he rustled through his bag to search through Kayson's diaper bag. "It was something that fell out of here that you can use."

Q pulled out a baby carrier that was supposed to be placed over his shoulders. Isaiah smiled as he lifted it up, examining it. Soon afterwards, Q brought out his small bulletproof vest and handed to Isaiah.

"Put this inside of it when you wear it." Q nodded. "You don't want your son getting shot out there."

"Alright." Isaiah nodded as he placed the two items by the door so that he wouldn't forget them.

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