Chapter 57 - "Surprise, SURPRISE!"

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When Aunt Shay woke up, she was surrounded by the illuminating lights inside of her hospital room. Her vision blurred a little, then cleared up when she seen her doctor, me, and Noah sitting at the end of her bed. She lifted up and placed her hand on her forehead, squinting her eyes shut.

"What happened?" Aunt Shay groaned.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having heart problems, ma?" Noah said in a stern tone.

"Shay, you're arteries were clogged up." The doctor sighed. "Have you been stressing lately?"

Aunt Shay knew why, but she didn't want to say. She laid back into her pillow, wondering why she collapsed.

"What am I gonna need?" Aunt Shay asked.

"Here.." Her female doctor said as she stepped out of the room. "I'll go get your X-Ray and forms."

Noah glanced at the doctor, then looked back at Aunt Shay.

"Why you ain't tell me, ma?" Noah groaned.

"About what, Noah-"

"About you having a heart disease, ma!?" Noah snarled. "You ain't think it would be important to tell me something like that?"

"I agree, Auntie." I sighed. "Something really bad could've happened to you."

Aunt Shay looked down, looking over at the door.

"I just didn't want to hold you boys behind......" Aunt Shay sighed. "I don't want you both to bail out on college just to take care of-"

"Fuck college, Auntie." I interrupted, shaking my head. "Class can wait. Family comes first."

"And you're right, ma." Noah nodded. "I wouldn't DARE leave for college knowing that you need help."

Aunt Shay placed her hands on both me and Noah's, smiling at us.

"Thanks, boys." Aunt Shay smiled. "I love you both."

The doctor walked back into the room with the X-Ray and Aunt Shay's form. She placed the X-Ray up on the lighting and shut off the lights, showing us all was was wrong.

"Shay, you're only 45 years old, but you have the heart of a 60 year old. This indicates that you've been stressing a lot." The doctor said, pointing her stick up at the stints that leads to Aunt Shay's heart. "Also, your arteries have grown weaker and unable to obtain the antibodies and other things that could clog it from time to time."

"So what does this mean?" Aunt Shay asked.

"It means that you're going to need a heart transplant." The doctor said in a saddened tone, cutting on a light in the room.

All of us froze. We all sat there in shock, wondering if there was any other way.

"Or..........?" Aunt Shay asked.

The doctor paused again, looking back up at her.

"Or else you could die." The doctor paused.

"No.......hell no!" Noah said, shaking his head. "I'll donate!"

"Wait a minute!" Aunt Shay interrupted. "No you aren't...."

"Yes I am, mama!" Noah said through his teeth.

"Damnit I said that you aren't, Noah!" Aunt Shay barked. "I'll pull the plug before I EVER have you die from donating an organ to me, y'hear?"

"I'm doing it anyway-"

"And I won't allow it." Aunt Shay interrupted. "I'll sign a right excluding you from doing so."

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