Chapter 59 - California.

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The next day was day 5 for Isaiah's stay in Florida. He wasn't liking it so far. The only things that were making the trip "okay" was Tyler and the babysitting services. Otherwise, being in the suburbs was a little too "uppity" for him. He loved the ghetto. He loved seeing people surrounded in his area everyday. He loved doing things himself. Getting room service everyday was alright, but he'd rather get up and make breakfast for himself. He'd rather go to the local Coney Island. He'd rather have a good homemade breakfast from Aunt Shay.

Meanwhile, Noah woke up nice and early for another meeting with the counselor to the top college that he wanted to go to. This time, they met up at a college that was close to mine. After class was let out, he counselor and Noah met up inside of one of the teachers lounges. When they sat down, he shook Noah's hand and decided to ask him a few questions.

"So you want to be a doctor, huh Noah?" The counselor grinned as he pulled out his pen and clipboard.

"Yes." Noah nodded, sitting across from him in his sophisticated suit.

"So what do you know?" The counselor smiled. "As a matter of fact, tell me something that I don't know."

Noah paused, then let him have it.

"Did you know that the brain is more active during the night than in the day?" Noah said.

"Wow." The counselor nodded. "I didn't know tha-"

"Did you know that the brain itself cannot feel any sort of pain?" Noah continued. "No matter what happens to it?"

"What?" The counselor gasped.

"Did you know that you have to lose over 50% of the hair in your head for anybody to notice?"

"Did you know that you could remove your stomach, spleen, 75% of your liver, 85% of your intestines, and every organ in your groin area and still live?"

"Did you know that the stomach acid in your stomach could dissolve razorblades?"

"Did you know that after eating a lot of food, your hearing becomes less sharp?"

"Did you know that if your head was cut off while you were alive, you'd still remain conscious 20 to 30 seconds afterwards?"

"Did you know that it's impossible to tickle yourself because your brain already predicts what's gonna happen?"

"Did you know that the largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm?"

Every adult in the room was amazed by Noah's knowledge. All of this came from him studying nothing but things in the field of nursery and medical classes.

"In high school, I've never gotten anything less than a B- in my medical classes and tests and my score was a 24 for the ACT and I was scored at number 3 in my high school class for all 4 years with a 4.1555 gpa." Noah smiled. "Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

"Impressive. The only thing I'd like you to be is in my college." The counselor nodded. "Will you be prepared to leave in 2 weeks?"

Noah froze. All he thought about was his mother. With Isaiah being out in the streets all the time, she was going to be living alone. Noah stared off for a while, then bowed his head.

"Yeah..." Noah sighed. "I'll be ready."

Meanwhile, it was another day at the babysitting service for Isaiah. Tyler agreed to watch Kayson at their hotel while they were gone. Isaiah arrived there earlier than Hannah and Sarah, so he started cleaning up everyone's sippy cups like they did. After the girls arrived 10 - 15 minutes later, a few kids already arrived there and started playing on the tiny playscape. Penny and Minnie arrived 5 minutes after everyone, just as happy as could be.

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