Chapter 15 - On Edge.

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Isaiah gave Damon a weird look, watching Damon give him a weird look back. At first, he thought that it was Noah in the room, but when he examined Isaiah's arms, he noticed something that was there that Noah didn't have.


"You're....Isaiah?" Damon smiled. "My other son?"

Damon hugged Isaiah, wrapping his arms around his upper shoulders. Isaiah on the other hand, wasn't hugging him back. Since Damon was always around Noah, he expected Isaiah to act the same way. He was wrong. Noah always kept his emotions bottled up, but Isaiah always let his pour out.

"It's me, Isaiah!" Damon smiled. "Your father!"

"Oh. Yeah!" Isaiah smiled as he pointed to him. "You're the man who left my mother to raise two kids on her own, right?"

"Isaiah, we have to talk about why all this shit panned out the way that it did." Damon mumbled.

Isaiah didn't like him one bit. He held his emptied pistol in his hand, looking over at his mother.

"Ma, is you alright?" Isaiah asked, giving her a saddened look.

Aunt Shay glanced over at Damon. She could see nothing but the devil that laid inside of him. Being too afraid of Damon, she looked over at Isaiah with her teary eyes and smiled.

"I-I'm fine, sweetie.." Aunt Shay lied as she closed her eyes, placing her hand on her forehead.

Isaiah glanced down at his mothers ankles under her silk housecoat, realizing that her panties were down on the ground. He scrunched his eyebrows down at it, looking back up at her.

"Ma, are you sure that you alright?" Isaiah asked again, scrunching his eyebrows at her. "You don't look like it."

"She's fine." Damon said in a strict tone as he looked at Isaiah.

"Nigga, was I was talking to you?" Isaiah snarled as he gave Damon a sharp look. "I asked her, NOT you!"

"Hey hey hey, I'm fine. Really!" Aunt Shay said as she looked at me and Damon. " you mind if I spend some time alone with my son?"

"Nope." I said, still high as I spun around into the hallway.

"Sure, but I'll be sleeping in here with you tonight." Damon smiled as he kissed Aunt Shay on the forehead. "Leave the bed warm for me, baby."

When me and Damon left the room, Aunt Shay clashed into Isaiah and gave him a tight hug. Being so short, she only came up to the lower part of his chest. She cried a little, happy to see that her son was in her presence again.

"You don't have to pay any bills just.....just come home." Aunt Shay cried. "I miss you and I love you, Isaiah. Even your brother misses you.."

"I miss y'all too.." Isaiah said as he hugged his mom back. "But you know that Kayson is going to have to stay he-"

"I don't care. My grandbaby can stay, too." Aunt Shay sniffed. "I missed the both of you. Just come on home and get in your warm bed.."

Even though Isaiah was watching his mother cry, it wasn't enough to get him to cry either. In fact, it wasn't even enough to get him emotional. Still, Isaiah knew how much he loved his mother and he never denied it. Isaiah kissed his mothers forehead, stepping back a little.

"I'm going to go get Kayson, but I have to ask you a question first." Isaiah said as he looked down at his mother. "Why'd you invite dad back and where'd he come from?"

Terrified, Aunt Shay decided to come up with another lie.

"I just wanted him to come see you guys." Aunt Shay sighed as she wiped the corner of her left eye. "That's all."

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