Chapter 64 - Drugged. [Part 2.]

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The next day, Isaiah's plan came into motion. When he woke up, he heard Aunt Shay on the phone talking to a relative. He got up and inched near his wall, listening to his mother as she talked on speakerphone.

"She passed away after we left?" Aunt Shay gasped.

"Yeah." One of our relatives said on the other line. "Right after we left...."

"Lord....." Aunt Shay sighed as she leaned forward and placed her palm on her forehead. "Maybe that was The Lord telling us to visit her before she came home.."

"Yeah. I know that my fathers gonna take it hard..." One of my relatives sighed. "I'm gonna go over to my aunts and see what they're gonna do for the funeral.."

"Call me and let me know what you have planned." Aunt Shay said. "Me and the boys will try to make it down there."

When Isaiah heard her hang up, he slowly opened the door and peeked inside, standing in the doorway.

"Was that about our cousin?" Isaiah asked.

"Yeah." Aunt Shay sighed again, closing her eyes. "She died in her sleep last night."

Isaiah knew what he had done, but his guilt wasn't there for long. He'd killed so many people that remorse was too far out of his league. Still, he decided to give his mother an option.

"Well, they could give you her heart as a transplant?" Isaiah said. "Not saying that that should be what you focusin' on, but that's somethin' you could think about."

"Isaiah, I'm not gonna ask them just yet." Aunt Shay sighed. "Our families hurting right now."

"I know....." Isaiah groaned. "It was just an option.."

Isaiah's deed was done. Still, he wanted his mother to get his cousin's heart before she expired too much. Meanwhile, Aunt Shay left to work at her two jobs. Without Noah there, Isaiah felt kind of weird because he never spent that much time without him. Growing up with Noah and being with him 24/7, it wasn't weird for him to feel too iffy about it. Anyway, I winded up hanging out with Isaiah, Kayson, and Isaiah's crew all the way up until 9:00pm. When Isaiah told me that Tyler was coming over, I stayed with Carlos for the rest of the night. I wasn't in the mood to hear them have sex or no nasty shit like that. 

When Tyler arrived, they didn't do what I thought they were. They sat around, talked, and played with Kayson the whole time.

"Oop. Hold on." Isaiah smiled as he made his way downstairs. "I got some good shit for us...."

When Isaiah made his way downstairs, Kayson started whining. Not because Isaiah left, but because he was hungry.

"And bring Kayson a bottle!" Tyler shouted from downstairs.

"Aaah don't sweat it!" Isaiah cheered. "I got it taken care of!"

Isaiah headed downstairs and poured him and Tyler some kool-aid with a touch of liquor. After squirting a little bit of lemon inside of the drinks, he popped Kayson's bottle into the microwave and warmed it up for a minute.

Little did he know, is that there were drugs inside.

Afterwards, Isaiah carried their drinks upstairs along with Kayson's bottle. He inched in between his door and placed the drinks down onto the table beside the bed and winked at Tyler as she watched TV.

"Wala." Isaiah nodded as he handed Tyler her drink. "Try it, bae."

Tyler took a sip, then clicked her tongue. She grinned and nodded her head, taking another sip of her drink.

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