Chapter 22 - Crossfire. [Part 1.]

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Isaiah didn't say anything for a while. He kept his eyes widened with his mouth a little opened, staring off into space.

"Hello?" Tyler said.

"A-aye, I'ma call you back." Isaiah stuttered as he hung up the phone.

While I was studying for the Shakespeare test, Isaiah sprinted down the stairs and slammed himself onto the couch, crushing himself down into the papers.

"Damn, nigga!" I snarled as I looked at him. "What the hell is you doing?"

"Listen, I got some shit to tell you." Isaiah whispered as he sat inches away from Tyler. "I raped Tyler."

"Foreal, Isaiah?" I gasped as I sat up. "That girl likes you and you already-"

"No, I.....I did it beforehand.." Isaiah sighed. "You remember what I told you about that man daughter I raped?"


"That was Taylor."

My eyes widened as I sat back on the couch. Then, I thought about the day I committed the robbery and tapped Isaiah heavily on his shoulder.

"Aye aye aye, you remember that day I told you I robbed that girl?" I said in a rushed and fast tone.


"That was Taylor too!" I chanted.

"Nigga, that was Taylor too?!" Isaiah laughed as he nudged my shoulder.

"Yes!" I chanted in his face as we both fell back and laughed.

"How the hell do we keep on robbing her ass?" Isaiah chuckled, unable to stop laughing.

"I have no clue!" I laughed as I fixed my papers, turning the page in my book.

Isaiah's funny and cheerful face shifted into a look of seriousness soon afterwards.

"I'm not gone tell her, though." Isaiah said as he shook his head.

"Why?" I said as I looked at him.

"What you mean "why", nigga?" Isaiah scoffed, scrunching his eyebrows at me. "You want me to sit there and tell her that I raped her? She gone call the Feds on my ass!"

"Tell her that you didn't know that it was her and that you didn't mean to hurt her." I said in a serious tone.

"Hell nah." Isaiah said, shaking his head. "I'm just now getting my foot in the door and I would really hate for her to shove it out again."

"Bro, I'm telling you. If you don't tell her now, it's gone hurt yo' chances in the long run." I said, shaking my head at him. "Hell, she still talking to you after you admitted to murdering a gang of nigga's. Tell her now before you get in too deep."

Isaiah glanced at me, then started making his way upstairs. He decided not to tell Tyler what he done to her. I have no idea why. I mean, I understand that Tyler might overreact, but I felt that he should've told her before they started moving faster, because it was only going to become more and more devastating in the long run.

The next day, I had ANOTHER day of class. I had a really long test to take, so I had to make sure I got there on time so that I wouldn't have to deal with Mr. Umlauf and his lectures. After I used Isaiah and Noah's car, they both told Aunt Shay goodbye before she went off to work. Once Aunt Shay left, Isaiah got in his car with Kayson and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, Isaiah!" Noah said as he jogged up to the car. "Where are you going?"

"Over Carlos house like I do everyday?" Isaiah scoffed as he gave Noah a weird look.

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