Chapter 61 - "Are you ready?"

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As Noah got in the car, Isaiah cocked his gun pack and loaded it up. As Noah started to put on his mask, Isaiah shook his head and placed his hand on his shoulders.

"No....." Isaiah said, shaking his head. "I can do this shit by myself..."

"I was coming to help because she punched me in the nose." Noah growled as he placed his cloth onto his bloody nose.

Isaiah stared off into space for a while, then gazed at the stars that shined over the projects of Schaefer. Isaiah looked down, then nodded his head slowly.

"It's somethin' else I need you to do, Noah." Isaiah said in a serious tone.


"I need you to go to the grocery store and buy some shit fo' da house." Isaiah said as he handed Noah some money. "Here's two hunned."

"What?" Noah snarled. "Why?"

"Because 5-0 don't know I gotta twin brother." Isaiah said as he reached into his pockets and handed Noah his credit card. "That way I can use you as my alibi. When the cops try to flag me, I can say I was there instead..."

Noah squinted his eyes at Isaiah, then looked off in space.

"Genius." Noah nodded.

"I'ma use 'Los car to go take her out." Isaiah nodded as he got out the drivers seat. "You can hop in here and head to da market real quick..."

As Isaiah got out of the car, Noah jumped in the passenger seat and headed off to the grocery store. Isaiah on the other hand, was heading off to Taylor's grandmothers house. He drove out to a local suburban area 20 minutes away, which was a location that was pretty distant from Taylor's old house. When he arrived, he placed on his ski mask and walked inside with his knife. He didn't need to use his gun since Taylor's mother was older than him. Anyway, he crept up her long stairs and into her upstairs bedroom and creaked it open a little. She was sleeping with Kayson. Isaiah tip toed up to her and held his pocket knife over her, preparing to plunge it into her chest.

Suddenly, Taylor's mother grabbed his wrists and held it up. As they both gripped onto the knife, she kicked him in his stomach and shoved him over by the door of her bedroom. As Isaiah lied there for a little while, Taylor's mother grabbed the mask and snatched it off of his face.

"I knew it was you." She growled at him. "I knew it!"

Isaiah sliced her across the face, watching as blood trickled down onto the carpet. He pointed it out and raced towards her, hoping to stab her in the stomach. However, she wasn't giving up. She grabbed onto both of his wrists, holding it away as they both flew over to the side. As the knife scooted across the carpet, Taylor managed to get to the knife before Isaiah. As he raced towards her, she sliced a long cut into Isaiah's side.

"Fuck!" Isaiah shouted out loud as he stumbled over into the corner of the room.

The blood of the large gash started seeping through his thick sweater. As it trickled down onto his tan pants, Isaiah placed his hand on his side in an attempt to cover the wound up.

Now he was mad.

Isaiah ran towards her and backed away as she swung at him again. He grabbed the thin lamp in the room and smashed it against her head, causing the bulb to shatter as she fell onto the ground. When the knife fell again, they both wrestled to it and tried wrangling it through each other's grip. As they both struggled onto their feet, Taylor's mother pointed the knife his way and shoved Isaiah against the wall. Isaiah gritted on his teeth as he strained and glared angrily down at the blade as it sat inches away from his neck. Isaiah scrunched his eyebrows even more and shoved her into the rail by the stairs.

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