Chapter 45 - Witnessed.

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The police snatched Isaiah into the police station. All of the detectives watched as Isaiah stumbled into the detectives room. The officer slammed the door behind the two and the detectives already knew who he was based on how many times Isaiah have been run in with the police.

"Tss." A detective scoffed. "I wonder what he's in there for now."

As Isaiah sat abruptly in his seat, watching the detectives sit down without introducing themselves. The detectives already knew him, and Isaiah already knew the detectives. The detectives took out three pictures as Isaiah sighed and looked away. All of them were pictures from the crime scene a month ago.

One picture contained the mother with her head blown out, the five year old bullet wounds, and the pictures of the dead 18 year old boy.

"The fuck is you showing me this shit for?" Isaiah snarled.

"Do you know that the woman who got shot in the head survived?" Detective Sayers asked.


"And do you know what she said?" Detective Foster smiled as he placed his hands behind his head and placed his foot onto his leg. "She said that the person who shot her son had tattoos with the same names as yours in the same spots. Shay, Noah, and Schaefer Bound."

Isaiah smirked. He snickered a little, then started laughing obnoxiously, ticking off the detectives.

"What part about this is funny?" Detective Sayers snarled.

"Do you really think that you can charge me with 3 counts of murder because someone named some fuckin' tattoos on my body?" Isaiah laughed, giving them a surprised look. "Do you know how many people could have these tattoos?!"

"No, we can't. But we do have two key witnesses who's gonna put you away in the slammer for life without parole." The officers nodded. "So are you gonna talk to us or not?"

Isaiah gave them a disgusted look, then shook his head at them.

"I want my lawyer in here before I say anythang else." Isaiah snarled.

"Alright." Detective Foster said as he waved his hand to himself. "Stand up."

Isaiah stood up and watched as the officer outside started to move him out of the room.

"You're being booked on 1 count of first degree murder and 2 counts of attempted murder." Detective Sayers repeated as Isaiah was escorted out of the door.

Meanwhile, Stacey and the others were bagging up the drugs. Carlos was calling all of his other friends, letting them know to hide their drugs. Since Isaiah was arrested, Carlos thought that the police were doing a sting operation.

"Fuck, man..." Carlos barked as he threw his things off of his dresser. "They fucking got my boy!"

"We gone bag all these drugs and move em'!" Q panted as all of them threw the drugs into garbage bags. "We could shift them over to Stacey's since he live close to the suburbs."

"Shit." Carlos panted as he grabbed Kayson and jogged outside. "I gotta go tell Josh and Noah."

Meanwhile in California, Tyler was unpacking the last of her things to her home. Since her father was away, Tyler laid out in her bed and decided to take a break. They'd been unpacking for a whole month. Even in the rich and fancy environment, Tyler found herself to be pretty bored. There wasn't much to do other than spend money on fancy things and such. So Tyler flipped over and decided to call Isaiah.

Of course, he didn't answer the phone, so she left him a voicemail.

"Hey Isaiah uh........I was wondering if you wanted to come down to Florida with me for a week?" Tyler smiled. "My father gave me some money and um.....I was going to fly you out here. Okay to you later."

Meanwhile, Carlos gave us the news about Isaiah. Even though I knew about all of the things that Isaiah has done, I don't know why I was shocked when Isaiah was arrested. Of course, Noah wasn't shocked at all.

"So the police finally caught up to him, eh?" Noah said, shaking his head as he held Kayson.

"Oh my god, Noah. Shut the hell up!" I barked back at him in an angry tone. "Can you be fucking supportive of your broth-"

"No Josh, YOU shut the hell up!" Noah barked back at me. "I am not going to support a fucking murderer and a rapist because if someone did the same shit to you and Isaiah that Isaiah does to other people, then you'd be pissed!"

I actually agreed with Noah, but I was tired of hearing his mouth. Luckily for Kayson, since they were twin brothers, it was almost as if Kayson was still with Isaiah in a way. He was really attached to Noah. As he went into the kitchen to make him a bottle, Carlos pulled me to the side and asked me to do something dangerous.

"Yo Josh, I know you ain't down in the certain shit that we do, but i'ma need you to be down for this shit aight?" Carlos plead. "It's the only way to get Isaiah out of jail."

I knew where this was going. Still, I wanted to know what he was going to say.

"What is it?"

"Can you come wit' me to kill the only witness that is keeping Isaiah in the pen?" Carlos said in a serious tone. "I know you ain't down with the killing, but that bitch is gone take my nigga down and I can't have it. She the only person keeping him there."

I usually didn't do things like this, but Isaiah would do it for me, so I accepted.

"Let's do it." I nodded.

"Yeah nigga." Carlos grinned as he gavels a handshake. "Come over to my crib. I'll show you what I need to do."

The only reason why Carlos didn't invite anyone else to come with us to do the hit is because they needed to get rid of the drugs. If the police caught them with drugs, each one of them would be doing at LEAST 10 years in jail. So while Stacey, Q, and Asha cleared out of the drugs, Carlos ran through to me on what I should do when I got there. He handed me one of his semi automatic handguns along with a black mask, then told me that that's what I would need just in case she survives again.

And when night struck, that's when we headed out.

It was pretty awkward riding out with Carlos because me and him weren't as close as him and Isaiah were. However, it wasn't as scary as it was to me on the first day anymore to ride out for a hit. I guess that I'd been rolling out with them so much and so often that it was numb to me. Even when we would pass police cars at times, I never got shook. This meant that I was getting adjusted to Schaefer's ways.

When we arrived to the home, the door was unlocked. This was weird, because the witness usually had her doors locked. Me and Carlos were masked when we snuck into the woman's home, holding the guns up just in case someone popped out. We both crept upstairs and stood by her room door, barging in and pointing it at her bed.

But when we looked, the woman was dead already. There were blood splatter all over the headboard. The woman was sprawled on her bed with a gun in the grips of her hands. She shot herself in the head again. Alongside her, was a 4 page suicide note on why she did it. As my mouth dropped, Carlos placed a small smile on his face and glanced at me.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"We didn't have to kill her ourselves." Carlos smiled. "Since she killed herself, the police can back up off of us."

What Carlos was saying was that without this woman, Isaiah could go free. The officers had nothing but a witness and her statement, and without her, the officers would be forced to let Isaiah go.

No witness, no case.

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