Chapter 65 - Just the Beginning. **FINALE**

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The next day, Isaiah woke up in the same spot. The light from the back door shined through the doorway of the basement. Kayson laid on his back, wiggling around and whining. The whole entire bottom of his pajamas were wet. Isaiah panted and glanced at his son as he laid on the cold hard basement floor. It was Kayson's breakfast time. Isaiah looked around the empty basement, then laid his head back against the pole. Tyler was still asleep and bound in the corner of the room. As two men walked through the door, Isaiah glanced up at the masked man in anger.

"Yo!" Isaiah barked up to him. "My son needs to eat!"

The masked man shut the door, then walked down the stairs. He gave Isaiah a blank stare, then leaned against the rail of the stairs.

"What'd you say?"

"My son needs a bottle!" Isaiah plead. "I 'ont care what you do to me, but at least feed my son!"

The man looked at Tyler, watching her snore a little while she was sleep.

"She ain't dead yet, so yo' son can't have no bottle." The man snarled.

"Come on, bruh!" Isaiah snapped. "He a fuckin' baby!"

"Is this bitch worth more than your sons next meal?"

Isaiah couldn't do anything. He sat there and clenched his jaw, turning away. The masked man dangled one of Kayson's bottles by the stairs, grinning a little.

"When that bitch dies, then that's when you and yo' son get to eat." The masked man said as he made his way upstairs.

Isaiah glanced at Kayson as he clenched his fingers, squinted his eyes shit, then started to whine a little louder. Isaiah couldn't do anything but sit there and watch his son suffer. 10 minutes later, Tyler lifted her head up and looked around the room. Her face flushed as she placed her head up against the wall, shaking her head and staring up at the ceiling.

"I thought that this was a dream..." Tyler whined as she looked up.

"Ty, we gone get out of here." Isaiah sighed as he glanced to the side of himself. "We just gotta figure out a way....."

Tyler glanced beside him and seen the pistol that the man gave to her.

"H-Hey!" Tyler cheered. "You can use that to shoot him!"

Isaiah knew that he was being monitored. He glanced at the other corner of the room, then looked back at Tyler.

"W-whatchu' mean?" Isaiah stuttered, acting like he didn't know what she was talking about.

"Before he comes downstairs, we need to try to wrestle through the layers of duct tape around us!" Tyler said in a cheerful tone. "Then when he comes back down, you can shoot him and we can go free!"

"Bae, I don't think that that's as simple as it sound." Isaiah sighed. "If he placed the gun down beside me, I'm sure he figured some shit out onto how I can't shoot him. I can't even get out of this damn tape since they put like 5 layers on our ankles and lower legs...."

"Damnit." Tyler growled. "You're right....."

Tyler laid her head back against the wall, then looked up at the ceiling.

"I wonder what our parents are thinking...."

And Aunt Shay was starting to get mixed signals.

When she came home around midnight, she wasn't too alarmed by the fact that Isaiah wasn't home. Like I said, Isaiah had a history of staying out late. But the next day, Aunt Shay was trying to figure out why he didn't take his car if he was out somewhere. Aunt Shay called Carlos and asked him if Isaiah stopped by, but Carlos said no. Not wanting to get them involved, Aunt Shay didn't want to appear too alarmed. So instead, Aunt Shay decided to call Isaiah's phone to see if he would answer.

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