Chapter 58 - Brainwashed.

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Tyler's father didn't hide his angry expression about Isaiah coming into his house. He stormed up out of his seat and grabbed Tyler's arm, taking her out into their hallway.

"What the hell is he doing in my house?" Tyler's father growled.

"Are you a little upset?" Tyler grinned. "You invited someone I don't like, so I invited someone YOU don't like."

"You better get him out of my house or I'll call the police-"

"If you call the police I'll call mom and let her know that you have another woman in the house that you moved in WITHOUT finishing your divorce report." Tyler smiled.

Suddenly, they heard Kayson crying from upstairs. He'd woke up from his nap. Isaiah stepped into the hall and glanced at Tyler, wondering where he was.

"He just woke up?" Isaiah asked.

"Yes." Tyler smiled. "He's upstairs in the room that's all the way to the left."

Isaiah took off his shoes and jogged upstairs. He opened the door and cut on the light, watching Kayson squirm around while crying.

"Kays!" Isaiah smiled as he leaned over him. "I'm here!"

When Kayson seen his father, he stopped crying immediately. He squealed loudly and started kicking and wiggling his hands. Isaiah picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, taking him back downstairs. He sat Kayson into his lap and joined everyone at the table, picking up his spoon and preparing to eat.

"Aren't you gonna say grace, boy?" Tyler's father growled.

"What's the point?" Isaiah snarled. "We gone eat afterwards, anyway."

Tyler's father was furious, but he didn't know if Isaiah had a gun or not, so he decided to say anything. Everyone awkwardly began to eat, not saying anything to each other.

"Francesca, this is Isaiah." Tyler nodded. "Isaiah, this is Francesca."

"Hi." Francesca said in a low tone.

Isaiah didn't say anything. Tyler's father gave him a slight angry look, wondering why he didn't speak.

"She said 'Hi' to you, young man." Tyler's father growled.

Isaiah scrunched his eyebrows at him, giving him a funny look.

"Fuck you sweatin' me, for?" Isaiah scoffed.

"You know what, get him out of my house." Tyler's father said as he looked at her, pointing at his front door. "I want him out. Now!"

Tyler gave her father a funny look, then shook her head.

"No." Tyler said.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no!" Tyler snapped as she pointed at Francesca. "You get her out and then I'll get Isaiah out!"

"You know what, I'll just-"

Before Isaiah could finish his sentence, his phone rang. When he seen me appear on his caller ID, he stepped out of the kitchen with Kayson and into the hallway. Meanwhile, the conversation that Tyler and her father was having wasn't anywhere close to being over.

"Hello?" Isaiah answered.

"Isaiah man...." I sighed. "I got an emergency for you."

"What happen?"

I paused for a second, then let him know the bad news.

"Yo' momma in the hospital, man."

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