Chapter 23 - Crossfire. [Part 2.]

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"He's gone.." Isaiah said as he looked up at everyone, clenching his jaw.

"Fuck that. No he ain't.." Carlos said as he stormed off to the car. "Bring him to the car and we gone take him to the hospital."


"I said let's get in the fucking car, Isaiah!" Carlos barked as tears of rage shot out of his eyes.

"He fucking dead, Carlos! It ain't shit we can do about it!" Isaiah barked back at him, not backing down. "His heart ain't beating, his blood is cold, and he ain't moving! He gone!"

"What the fuck is we gone tell his grandmama?!" Q snapped as he looked at everyone. "She was supposed to pick him up after we got done with him!"

Carlos crouched down and covered his face. Noah scrunched his eyebrows at everyone, then crouched down and leaned into Isaiah's ear.

"Isaiah, just take him to the hospital." Noah said in a low tone. "That way, you can alert his grandmother there."

Isaiah clenched his jaw, looking up at Q. He sighed and carried Joey while making his way to the hospital.

"Come on." Isaiah said. "We going to the hospital."

Even though they knew that Joey was already dead, they decided to take him to the hospital to act like they needed to help him. They couldn't just take his dead body back to his grandmother, so they had to do it in a more sophisticated way. During the car ride, Isaiah and Q rode in the front seat while Carlos and Noah held onto Joey's lifeless body. As Joey's face bobbled around during the car ride, a tiny bit more blood started to creak out of his mouth. Noah jumped a little, placing Q's jacket over his face.

When they arrived there 20 minutes later, Carlos carried Joey to the front desk and gave them a panicked look.

"Listen, we need to get my son some help!" Carlos plead as everyone in the hospital room gasped. "He's been shot!"

The nurses usually would ask for a form to be filled out, but not in urgent emergencies. The lady at the front desk called a stretcher for them to carry Joey to the room in. As they placed him there and wheeled him out, everyone waited in the waiting room to hear the results that they already were expecting. 30 minutes later, the nurse walked out of the hospital room with a depressed look on her face.

"I'm sorry, but your little boy didn't make it." The female nurse sighed as everyone listened in. "The bullet struck him right in the center of his heart, so he probably died within seconds."

Carlos placed his hands on the back of his head, sitting down and covering his face, Isaiah balled up his fists and clenched his jaw, and Q bowed his head as he walked away. Noah stayed around, listening to the rest that the doctor had to say.

"The only good news is, he didn't suffer one bit." The doctor smiled as she glanced up at Noah. "His death was sudden and instant. He didn't feel a thing."

"Thanks, doctor." Noah nodded.

Being that Noah didn't know Joey but for a few days, he was the most stable. As he sat next to Isaiah, he felt something ring from Isaiah's pocket. It was Joey's grandmother. Had Joey lived, he would be with her right now making his way out of the state. Isaiah shook his head, placing Joey's iPhone face down.

"I can't answer that..." Isaiah groaned. "I done dealt with enough shit for one day.."

"We gotta take the call." Noah said in a serious tone. "We can't lead this little boys grandmother onto thinking that he's alive when he's dead."

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