Chapter 36 - Boys 2 Men.

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"Fuck, man!" Isaiah scoffed. "What are we gonna do?"

"Go take her ass out!" Stacey snapped. "Take her out before that old bitch start talkin'!"

"We can't kill her now, Stacey!" Carlos barked.


"Because the police are gonna be protecting her like crazy and if we break into her home, that's their perfect opportunity to snatch our asses up!"

Everyone in the car got silent. We all sat there in an awkward stance, not knowing what was gonna happen to them.

"We got to think of something before we-"

"No, we're GONNA think of something." Isaiah said in a strict tone, cutting Q off. "I'll take any nigga out before I go to jail."

"Everybody just mellow the fuck out." Carlos said as he lifted his hand up while driving. "We always got a plan B, so we'll handle this."

Jesus Christ. I was worried for them, and I wasn't even there.

When we got back to Carlos's house, Isaiah went into his fridge and started drinking a lot of beer. I'm guessing that it was because he hadn't had one in a while, so he was downing all of the 40 oz. that he could get his hands on. After chilling for no more than 30 minutes, Isaiah plopped down on the couch next to Tyler and downed the second bottle. Carlos and Stacey gave him an agitated look, shaking their heads as Q cut on the TV.

"Yo Isaiah, chill out on the beers.." Carlos growled.

"Shut the fuck UP..." Isaiah smiled, slurring his words as the heavy loads of beer started to settle into his body.

Isaiah burped loudly, tilting his face next to Tyler's.

"You are so fucking fine, Ty." Isaiah grinned, barely able to keep his eyes opened.

"You're super drunk right now, Isaiah." Tyler sighed as she got up and went into the kitchen. "You need to sober up."

As Tyler opened Carlos's refrigerator, there was nothing to drink but liquor, wine, and beer. She growled loudly and slammed the door, watching Isaiah appear from behind it.

"Shit!" Tyler jumped, holding her chest. "Isaiah scared me!"

"C'mere, baby."

Isaiah slowly pushed her into a wall and started kissing her neck. However, Tyler wasn't in the mood. As she tried to inch her way out of his grip, she tried to move her hands to slide out. But before she could do so, Isaiah pinned her wrists against the wall and continued to kiss her on her upper chest and neck.

"Isaiah, stop.." Tyler sighed.

"Why?" Isaiah murmured, smacking his lips against her neck. "You know you want it.."

"Isaiah I said stop!" Tyler snapped as she gave him a sharp look. "I told you that I'm not ready for that yet!"

Isaiah's softened face tensed up as he gave her an evil glare.

"I've been waiting for too fucking long!" Isaiah barked. "How long is it gonna be until you're ready!?"

"Whenever I feel that I am now just get off of me!" Tyler shouted. "You're starting to scare me!"

Isaiah smacked Tyler in her face, watching her turn away. As she began to weep, Isaiah snatched his pistol out and pointed it at her temple, leaning inches close to her face.

"Now I said that I want to fuck, and damnit that's what we're gonna do." Isaiah growled, clicking the gun back. "Now go upstairs before I blow your brains out."

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