Chapter 51 - Getaway.

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"Mama!" Both Noah and Isaiah shouted.

They were ecstatic. They both slipped into little boy form for a minute and ran out to Aunt Shay, almost knocking her down when they gave her a hug. They wrapped their arms around their mother as Aunt Shay teared up, holding them tight and kissing them on their foreheads.

"How have my babies been?" Aunt Shay sniffed as she looked at the two.

"We've been alright, but we just glad to have you home, momma." Noah sniffed, unable to stop crying.

"How'd you get out?" Isaiah asked.

"Well I contacted your lawyer, Isaiah." Aunt Shay grinned. "He was able to tell the judge that there was no definitive proof that I sold any drugs AND that there's been plenty of times where drugs were planted houses in Schaefer by delinquents to avoid charges, so they let me go until they get more evidence."

"That's right, mama!" Isaiah grinned as he kissed her on the cheek. "Show 'em who's boss!"

"So uh......where's my grandbaby?" Aunt Shay smiled. "Do I get to see him?"

"You know it, ma." Isaiah smiled as he headed to the back. "Lemme go get him for ya'."

When Isaiah jogged in the back, he'd completely forgotten that there was a body in the house. His eyes widened as he glanced down, taking Kayson off of the bed and shutting the door behind him.

"Kayson!" Aunt Shay squealed as Isaiah handed Kayson to her. "How are you?"

Kayson's head bobbled as he grinned at his grandmother. Slob drooled out of his mouth as Aunt Shay kissed him repeatedly on the cheek.

"I missed you!" Aunt Shay continued, kissing Kayson obnoxiously on his cheek as he grinned at her goofy act.

When Aunt Shay smelled his butt, she knew that Kayson definitely let out everything that he ate over the last few days.

"Isaiah, Kayson's gotta huge stinky." Aunt Shay laughed. "He needs to be changed."

"A heh heh." Isaiah laughed in a nervous tone. "Yeah.."

"Here I'll go get the diaper bag to cha-"

"NOOO no no no no!" Isaiah gasped as he stood in front of her, blocking her from getting inside of Noah's room. "I'm uh.........I'll get it! Especially since I'm the parent and all. Aheh."

"Well bring it upstairs." Aunt Shay snarled as she brought Kayson upstairs with her. "I'm about to go get in the bed that I haven't been able to get in for about a month and a half."

As Isaiah crept into the room, Noah followed behind him. When he looked at the ground, he jumped and completely forgot that he'd just killed someone.

"Holy shit I forgot about this!" Noah whispered.

"I know!" Isaiah whispered back up at him.

"What we gonna do?"

"We gone bring his body to Carlos's when it hit midnight." Isaiah whispered. "That way nobody in Schaefer won't see us sneaking his ass out."

As disgusting as it sounded, they were forced to leave the body in the closet of Noah's room until the coast was clear. As the day carried on, Isaiah brought Kayson and headed over to the hotel where Tyler was at. This was her last day here, so this would be the last day that they could spend together before she left.

When he arrived, he arrived to see her packing.

"Hey." Isaiah mumbled.

"Hi." Tyler strained, struggling to close her suitcase.

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