Chapter 25 - Cat and Mouse. [Part 1.]

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I watched hopelessly as Isaiah bawled on the ground. Kayson was out of his hands. I sighed and started to approach him, when Aunt Shay held me back and gave me a bland look.

"Just let him cool off for a second.." Aunt Shay said in a low tone as her and Noah walked into the house. "He probably needs a breather."

But I didn't listen. I waited until Aunt Shay shut the screen door before jogging up to him and crouching down to comfort him.

"Aye Isaiah, listen to m-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Isaiah jumped up and started pacing back and forth. He walked back and forth with his palms together, giving me a serious look. His eyes were watered and he had a crazed look in his eye.

"Yo Josh, I been trying to change. I'm trying to be nice, but people keep on pushing me! I been on pause for a fucking while, but i'm about to press play in a fucking second!" Isaiah said as he looked at me, still giving me that crazed look. "That bitch took my fucking son!"

"Isaiah, Isaiah. Calm down!" I panted as I walked in front of him, placing my hands on his shoulder.

Isaiah paused and started slamming his fist into his palm, looking away at the direction Taylor's mother drove in. He took a deep breath and lowered his shoulders, calming down a little.

"You know what 'Saiah, we should do something to get your mind off of this." I smiled. "You wanna go clubbin' tomorrow night or sum?"

Isaiah scrunched his eyebrows at me, giving me a weird look with a small grin.

"What?" Isaiah scoffed.

"Well since i've been here, we ain't done no fun shit." Joshua laughed. "Why don't you bring Carlos and the others to come party so we can get our mind off of Joey's tragic death for a while? Y'know, just live a little."

I looked at Isaiah's face and could tell that he really wanted to do it. He hadn't had fun since God know's when. He pulled out his phone and started walking back into the house, turning back to me.

"I'll call my boys." Isaiah nodded, smiling at me.

When Isaiah went up to his room, I felt that this was the right time to call one person.


I wasn't going to tell Isaiah that she was coming there. Isaiah haven't spoken to her since their confrontation a week ago, and Tyler's been ignoring me in class since I told her about the robbery, so I crept into the basement and decided to call her.

"Hello?" Tyler answered.

"Hey Tyler, it's Josh." I said in a worried tone.

"Oh is this the person who robbed me out of $200 dollars and never bothered to give me my money back?" Tyler said in a cheerful and sarcastic tone. "Hello there!"

"Listen Tyler, I really apologize for not telling you." I sighed. "And I promise i'll give you your money ba-"

"Yeah." Tyler laughed. "Because you didn't know that was me there that night. Okay."

"I didn't!"


Geez, I was tired of hearing her bring this shit up. I sighed again, trying to change the subject.

"Listen, I was wondering if you and your girls wanted to party at a club tomorrow around 11 with me and my boys? Just to ease your mind off of things." I said in a low tone. "And don't worry, Isaiah won't be there. It'll be me and some boys from Schaefer."

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