Chapter 47 - "Guess who's Back?"

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Isaiah spazzed. When I got back into the car, I glanced at Isaiah as he wrestled his red jacket off and placed it onto Kayson's side so that he could stop bleeding so much.

"Kayson got shot!" Isaiah cried out loud as he cradled Kayson in his arms. "Go to the hospital!"

Shit. I went from grabbing some liquor, to being thrown into a drastic situation. I raced off of the curb and hit a U turn, racing off into the hospital. Kayson on the other hand, had no clue what was going on. He just kept on touching on his side while Isaiah placed a tighter grip onto his hip where the bullet wound was.

"No no no no no no..." Isaiah wept as he clenched his teeth together, holding Kayson tighter.

"Shit....." Asha whispered as she looked up at me. "How you doin' up there, Josh?"

"I'm racing." I answered.

And I really was. I stomped my foot on the gas, racing past cars that were in the way. I sped for about 5 minutes straight, when I got stuck in traffic. The hospital was literally around the corner.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" I barked as I smacked my hand on the horn over and over.

But Isaiah wasn't taking any chances. When he seen how backed up the traffic was, he placed Kayson and started sprinting on foot towards the hospital. All of us on the other hand, had to wait because we couldn't leave the van behind in traffic. As for Isaiah, he barged through the door with his son and started panting heavily.

"My son needs help!" Isaiah cried out loud, running up to the front desk. "He's been shot!"

The nurse called in a doctor and watched them wheel out a long bed. Isaiah placed him on top of it and slipped his jacket off. There was darkened blood all over his side. The doctors started strapping Kayson to things as he laid there, looking around wondrously.

Kayson only started to cry when he realized that he was about to go away from Isaiah.

"Aaahh. Baah." Kayson mumbled in a raspy tone, holding his hand out to Isaiah.

"It's alright, Kays!" Isaiah panted as Kayson was wheeled away. "Daddy will be back, okay?"

As Kayson was wheeled away, Isaiah could hear his crying escalate from a distance. Isaiah sat down and waited impatiently in the waiting room, rocking back and forth in a worried form. 10 minutes later, me and the others came in and sat around Isaiah to see what the problem was.

"Is he alright?" I asked as I looked over Isaiah's shoulder.

"They ain't say yet, man.." Isaiah said in a shaky and worried tone.

"We'll wait here for you, 'Saiah." Q nodded as he sat behind.

We sat in the hospital for a couple hours, waiting on the results for Kayson. During this time, I called Noah and told him everything that was going on. He arrived at the hospital an hour after I called, sitting and waiting for the rest of us. 45 minutes later, Tyler called me.

"Hello?" I answered in a mopey tone.

"Hey Josh." Tyler cheered. "Just cause I'm in a different state doesn't mean that you have to leave me out!"

I sighed, closing my eyes and leaning back in my chair.

"Kayson's in the hospital, so I'm going to have to call you back a little later." I groaned.

Tyler paused for a little, basically because she was in shock.

"Kayson's in the hospital?" Tyler said in a loud and shocked tone.

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