Chapter 32 - "Oh, Brother..."

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After the dance, Isaiah noticed that everyone started to get used to everybody at the party. Asha was having a chat with a few of the older women, Q and Stacey were dancing a little on the dancefloor, I was playing Bingo with some of the elderly, and Carlos was busy eating on any party tray that he could find.

"Aye. Aye, you!" Carlos chomped, smacking on his food and pointing at the chef. "Bring some more of this ah.....pepperoni and cracker stuff!"

Isaiah rolled his eyes and started making his way to his car.

"Wait, where are you going?" Tyler asked as she jogged up to the door.

"To the car." Isaiah groaned. "I'm pretty tired and I barely slept cause Kayson kept my ass up all night."


Isaiah glanced at her, grinning a little.

"You more welcome to come with me, if you want." Isaiah winked as he gave her a small smile.

Tyler gave him a small grin as Isaiah wrapped his arm around her shoulder and stumbled out of the banquet hall with her. For the rest of the party, Isaiah and Tyler did nothing but sit inside of his car and talked. See me, I was thinking that they were going to head out to the car, kiss, and start to fuck. I judged that off of Isaiah's personality, but yeah. They didn't. They just sat inside and had deep and moving conversations. But what amazed me the most is that I thought that Isaiah and Tyler wouldn't click or be able to hold a conversation, but they did. They spent the next hour talking pet peeves, high school, and regrets while playing the radio on low.

"Why you ain't tell me that you was rich, Ty?" Isaiah grinned, looking around. "It seem like almost all a yo' family members don't drive anything below the price of a Benz."

"I thought that......I would be used.." Tyler said lowly, looking out of the window.

"Ty, the fuck I look like using YOU? I bought real diamond cufflinks." Isaiah laughed. "If I didn't spend half the shit I earn from selling, I'd be just as rich!"

Tyler looked down, smiling a little.

"My father is one of the highest paid stockbroking businessmen." Tyler said. "The reason why is because half of my family members are in the business so he damn near has a free ticket in."

"Damn!" Isaiah cheered. "Why don't you go in and make you some free money, then?"

"Because I don't wanna be no stockbroker. My father tried convincing me and I turned him down. He even puts this shit in my little sisters head." Tyler snarled. "I want to be a journalist or a pilot. Not no boring old stockbroker like half of my family is."

"Well say if yo' dreams don't necessarily come out like you plan, you should go in the stockbroking business so that you have a plan to fallback on." Isaiah said. "Otherwise you won't have no money and it'll be something you regret missing out on."

Tyler squinted her eyes at him, then looked ahead and placed her head back into the passenger seat headboard.

"I think that my biggest regret would have to be......." Tyler wondered. "Going to college."

"What?" Isaiah laughed. "That's a big shocker to me!"


"Because it seem's like you're one of those girls who can't get enough of schoo-"

"Oh no no no. Trust me, ask Josh." Tyler laughed. "College isn't anything but a waste of money. Trust me."

Isaiah thought to himself on what his biggest regret us.

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