Chapter 35 - "Came Back to Haunt You."

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Damn. It's really been three years.

I hadn't been to the Schaefer Projects for a long time, so I decided to drive back and take a little stroll to see what it was like during a family reunion. When I drove into the area, it was almost unrecognizable. The houses were great, the grass was green and not patched up, and the neighborhood was at peace. Then, it started to get a little emotional for me.

Aunt Shay still stayed in the same place, and Noah had his own home by now. But as for Carlos, Asha, Q, and Stacey, they no longer stayed there anymore. I had no clue where they went. And as for Isaiah, I hadn't heard from or seen him since then. I haven't even heard about Kayson, who would be three years old right now if they're still around. Isaiah haven't gave me, Aunt Shay, Noah, or any other close relatives any word that he even exists anymore. I stared off and glanced at everything, smiling at the good memories I had at Schaefer. Some were bad, some were good, but overall, it was worth it.

Anyway, enough of my corniness. Back to late 2010. Heh heh.

Today was another day of a long ass class session. The good news was that my professor didn't give us any homework. The bad news? I needed it. I had a 74% in the class, which was a only 4% away from a D. I was average, which wasn't bad. However, it wasn't good enough for me. But what it really seemed like is that I wasn't good enough for my professor. For every assignment I've turned in, he hasn't given me anything higher than a C, so I decided to confront him about it when everyone left class. Soon after, Isaiah walked in to pick me up.

"What up, niggeh?" Isaiah grinned, giving me a handshake. "So is we coolin' or what?"

"Yeah, just give me two seconds." I nodded as I leaned a little over my professors wide desk. "Excuse me, Mr. Umlauf?"

"Yep?" He responded, still typing on his computer.

"On my last essay you gave me a C, but I followed everything on your rubric." I sighed in an agitated tone. "I even made sure I put the proper MLA format."

"Just because you fill all of the requirements of the requirements doesn't make it an A plus essay, Joshua." Mr. Umlauf said, not giving me any eye contact as he continued to finish typing on his computer.

"But I be working my hardest on them essays, Mr. Umlauf." I plead. "The least I can get is a B-?"

"I personally think that you have to work on your thesis and hypothesis statements and structures first." Mr. Umlauf continued, not letting up. "Then that's when you'll receive something higher than a C?"

"Can I go back and edi-"

"Nope." Mr. Umlauf said, cutting me off. "Grades are final and you know that."

I swear I wanted to reach over and punch him square in his thick ass gray mustache. However, I was no Isaiah. I shook my head and snatched my graded paper off of the desk, looking down at the corrections my teacher made.

"That's some bullshit..." I mumbled as I looked away.

"Excuse me, Joshua?" Mr. Umlauf said, turning to me and giving me a serious look. "Is there something that you'd like to say?"

I paused and gave him an aggravated look, clenching my jaw to keep from saying what I REALLY had to say.

"No sir." I groaned.

Of course, Isaiah wasn't having it. He scrunched his eyebrows at Mr. Umlauf, giving him a sinister look.

"He said that that was some bullshit." Isaiah said to Mr. Umlauf, not holding back an ounce of what he was really feeling.

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