Chapter 38 - Hoodlums.

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The next day, me and Tyler didn't have class. Thank god. Anyway, Tyler got up and drove her little sister to school since her had to work a little early. Afterwards, she drove back home and prepared for a day of relaxation.

That is until Isaiah called her.

"Hello?" Tyler answered.

"Ty can you PLEASE do me a huge favor?" Isaiah asked.

"Like what, Isaiah?"

"Can you watch Kayson for me while me and the crew go out and buy some more supplies to cook up? Josh and Noah are out job hunting so I'm stuck here." Isaiah plead. "Please, Ty? I don't wanna have to watch him and shit while I'm shopping."

"Isaiah, I-"

"I'll pay you a good $400." Isaiah smiled.

And within 45 minutes, Tyler pulled up Isaiah's home. She had on her pajamas, not changing because she knew that she wanted to stay comfortable.

"Aight he gone need a bottle and he eats every 2 hours." Isaiah panted as he handed Tyler Kayson and his diaper bag, scurrying out the door. "Yo' money on the table. If anything go wrong, call me!"

"Bleh." Tyler growled as she shut the door and glanced at Kayson. "Hey Kayson! How are you?"

Kayson stared sadly out of the window, watching Isaiah pull off.

"Mah?" Kayson said, pointing to the window.

"Oh no no no, Kayson. He'll be right back!" Tyler smiled. "I promise."

Kayson looked around the house and bobbed around a little bit, yawning and looking back at her.

"Are you ready for your bottle?" Tyler smiled.

"Brrsshshhhttttt." Kayson spat.

Tyler spent a mere 7 minutes making Kayson's bottle. She shook up the bottle until the formula sank in, then made her way upstairs to feed him in Isaiah's bed so that she wouldn't have to move him when he fell asleep. Tyler fed Kayson for 10 minutes, watching his energetic mood wind down a little. Afterwards, she pat his back for another 10 minutes, then looked at him. He yawned, barely able to keep his eyes opened while glancing at her.

"You tired, Kayson?" Tyler asked.

Kayson didn't say anything. He rubbed both of his eyes with his infant fingers, giving him his pacifier and lying him down onto his back. Kayson laid there for a good 8 minutes and stared at Tyler, then drifted off into a deep sleep. Tyler sighed and crouched next to him, taking a nap as well.

An hour later....

"Brrrsssshhhttt." Kayson spat again.

Tyler woke up with Kayson's palm on her mouth. When she looked up, Kayson was sitting up on his hands. When he moved his palm off of hers, Kayson plopped back down onto the bed and started mumbling.


"You're awake already?" Tyler laughed as she lifted up. "I thought that you'd still be sleep."

Kayson placed his fingers in his mouth and rolled over onto his back, kicking his feet. When Tyler felt how wet he was, she placed him on the end of the bed and started changing his diaper. When she reached into the bag, she took out a semi automatic handgun that still had bullets in it.

"Lord, Isaiah..." Tyler whispered as she emptied the bullets out from the bottom and placed it to the side.

Tyler took off Kayson's diaper and placed another one under him before she started to wipe him. When she leaned down to wipe his butt good, Kayson peed on her face.

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