Chapter 11 - Jacked.

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As Isaiah slept in the guest bedroom of Q's house, he was awakened by the sound of crying. When he groaned and lifted out of bed, he seen Kayson clenching his fingers together and squinting his eyes closed, crying hard. He had a bad dream. Isaiah sighed and lifted Kayson up onto his chest, rubbing his back and placing his pacifier into his mouth. Kayson laid there with his eyes open for a while, looking around the dark room.

Suddenly, Isaiah heard some loud music playing outside. He growled and clutched onto Kayson, glancing outside of the window. It was a dark brown colored car, blasting music as he talked to his friends. Isaiah opened the window, giving the men an angry look.

"Cut y'all shit down!" Isaiah barked as he scrunched his eyebrows at them. "My son tryna' sleep!"

"Nigga shut UP." The man in the car laughed as his friends laughed behind him. "Take you and yo' son to bed!"

Isaiah grabbed his pistol and shot at the man's tires, blowing them out as his friends scattered around the parking lot. As Kayson looked outside with Isaiah, he started laughing at the loud popping noise.

"Aheh. heh." Kayson laughed as Isaiah grinned down at him.

"You like that, K?" Isaiah smiled.

Just to entertain his son, he pointed his gun out of the window and fired another shot, blowing out another tire. Kayson jumped, laughing harder at the popping noise from the gun.

"AHEHAAAH. Heeeehhh!" Kayson laughed, dropping his pacifier out of his mouth. "Haaah."

"Alright, man. Damn! I been cut my music down!" The driver snapped as he stood out of his car and looked up at the window. "You can stop shooting at my tires, now!"

Out of the blue, Q busted in the room with his semi automatic pistol, pointing it at the window.

"Who shootin'?" Q snapped as he held his gun up, glaring evily at the window.

"Nobody, Q." Isaiah laughed. "I was just shooting because my son liked it."

"Oh. Damn fool, don't do that shit!" Q snapped as he tucked his semi automatic into his shorts, walking out of the room. "I thought that I was gone have to shoot up some cat in my house.."

Only 2 months and Kayson liked the noise of gunshots. That was NOT good.

The next day, I turned in my poster project on Shakesphere. I was starting to get there a little on time than I was a few days ago. The assignments that my professor was giving us was pretty easy, but it took so long to do them, which made it a little annoying. When class started, the professor slapped us with ANOTHER assignment. This time, we had to choose which scene in the story Macbeth that we wanted to perform.

The worst part is, we had to pick a partner to do it. Shit like this reminded me of high school.

"Alright, class. Pick your partners and sit beside them so I can mark you down on my list." Mr. Umlauf said as he walked around with his clipboard. "You have 10 minutes. If you don't find one, i'll pair you up."

Going with my gut, I decided to pick the girl who I talked to the first day.

"Hey excuse me." I said, easing my way through people in the class as I walked up to her. "Um, would you like to be my partner?"

"Sure!" The girl smiled back at me. "'re the guy who always arrive to class late, right?"

"Haha. That's me." I smiled as we walked back to my seat and sat down. "I'm Joshua, but you can call me Josh."

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