Chapter 40 - "Man Up."

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Isaiah laid there with Tyler, staring off into space for a little while. She looked at his shoulder, glancing at the red scratch marks on the tattoo that laid on his right shoulder. The tattoo read "Noah."

"Sorry for scratching up your arms and back..." Tyler mumbled. "I couldn't help it. Haha."

"Shit I done been shot before." Isaiah laughed. "You good."

Both of them let out a little laughter, then sighed as they laid on each other's sweaty bodies. Tyler thought to herself for a while, rubbing the scratches on Isaiah's back.

"Isaiah, how did you feel when you first killed somebody?" Tyler asked.

Isaiah paused for a while, then took a deep breath.

"Scary as shit." Isaiah said. "You would've never guessed that comin' from a raw nigga like me, huh?"

"What? You were scared?" Tyler laughed. "Why?"

Soon after, Isaiah told Tyler about his first kill and the details about it.

Isaiah was only 14 years old. It was the Fall of 2006. Rooting into puberty and maintaining a squeaky voice, he was still in the little bit of innocence. Isaiah was a bad kid, but nowhere near as ruthless as he was now. Around this time, he used to only hang out with the peers around his school.

That is, until he met Carlos.

"Aye, who is you?" Carlos asked as he walked over to the crowd of boys, pointing to Isaiah.


"Nigga the question ain't that hard." Carlos snarled. "Who is you?"

"I'm Isaiah." Isaiah snarled. "And you are?"

"Los." Carlos said. "Aye, let me talk to you real quick. Without yo' nerdy friends around."

Carlos was 18 at the time and everyone is still around. Asha, Joey, everybody. As Carlos walked alone with him, he walked him over to his house and handed him some money. It was a $100 bill.

"Wha........" Isaiah paused. "You're giving me a hundred dollars?"

"Yeap." Carlos smiled. "I know how to get you some more money, too."


It was only then, that Carlos showed him to the REAL world of Schaefer. Carlos let Isaiah get inside of his car and drove him far out to a suburban area. When they arrived, Carlos put his mask on and cocked his gun back. Young and terrified, Isaiah gave Carlos a terrified look and glanced out of the window.

"Wha.........what are you doin'?" Isaiah asked. "Is you gone pull a robbery?"

"Just come on in, lil nigga." Carlos said as he stepped outside of the car.

Isaiah was scared. He slowly shut his door and stepped back as Carlos ran up to the porch, watching Isaiah scurry up the porch alongside him, almost hiding behind him. Soon after, Carlos kicked in the door and ran into the house with his semi automatic gun. With a house full of people, Carlos raised his gun and sprayed the living room with bullets. Isaiah crouched back into the corner and covered his ears, squinting his eyes shut until Carlos was finished.

When Isaiah opened his eyes, it looked like someone splattered red paint all over the entire room.

"Oh my god!" Isaiah squealed in his 14 year old infant voice. "Wha......what'd you do? You killed everybody!"

"You just stay here boy." Carlos said as he jogged up the stairs. "I'm gonna go snatch up the drugs that was taken from me."

Isaiah was in disarray. His mouth was dropped, looking around and walking around the room. He looked at the bodies of 3 men, 2 women, and a 15 year old boy. While Isaiah stood and stepped in blood, the 15 year old boy grabbed Isaiah's ankle and gave him a wide eyed look.

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