Chapter 49 - Front Row.

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Before Isaiah could answer his question, he heard Kayson whining from upstairs. He sighed and jogged up into his room, picking him up. Kayson was still in pain. He started sniffing, then crying afterwards. Isaiah felt so bad. He rubbed his back and walked downstairs, walking around, trying to stop Kayson from bawling.

"Damn, man..." Isaiah groaned as he shook his head.

"Aww." Tyler sighed as she stepped out into the living room.

"He still hurtin'." Isaiah sighed. "The wound is hurting his side."

Isaiah placed the pacifier into Kayson's mouth. Kayson sniffed for a little while and looked at Tyler, then laid his head onto his fathers shoulders. Isaiah kissed him on his forehead and looked up.

"I promise that daddy gone slaughter all of those niggas for you." Isaiah mumbled to Kayson. "They gone pay for doing that shit to you."

"You see? Do you see why I feel that you guys should leave?" Tyler whined. "You guys should just come with me."

"That ain't somethin' that I can just answer off the bat, Tyler." Isaiah said in a slightly irritated tone, rubbing Kayson's back and looking at her. "My family is here and how am I gonna make money outta Schaefer?"

"There's ways to make money without selling drugs, Isaiah." Tyler sighed. "A-and you can ALWAYS see your family! You can fly-"

"I can't just take a flight every time I want to see them because then that'd be everyday!" Isaiah groaned. "And I still gotta do this settlement with Taylor's mama about Kayson, how to pay my mama's bills, everything!"

Tyler sighed and looked down, shaking her head a little.

"I was just.......looking out for you and Kayson." Tyler groaned. "Especially after what happened.."

"I know it's just....." Isaiah sighed. "I got some shit to figure out."

Later in the day, Isaiah found out that he had a lot of buyers waiting for him at Carlos's. Meanwhile, Tyler decided to watch Kayson for him again since he was still in pain. She sat out in the living room and placed her legs out on the footrest, watching TV for an hour and a half while rubbing Kayson's back. 5 minutes later, Kayson lifted up on his hands and dropped his pacifier out of his mouth.

"aaaahhh." Kayson said in a soft voice as he looked up at Tyler. "aaaaeyaheyah..."

"You're feeling a little better, Kays?" Tyler asked.

Kayson looked at his empty bottle and placed it into his mouth, sucking the air inside. Tyler smiled and picked the bottle, preparing to make another one.

But when Tyler was about to get up, Kayson placed his palm on hers.

"Mbmblm blah?" Kayson babbled.

"Kayson, I'm not goin' nowhere!" Tyler cheesed. "I'm just going to make you another bottle, okay?"

Kayson didn't want to be left alone. His bottom lip started to quiver as Tyler sighed and picked him up, taking him into the kitchen.

"Come on, ya' little rascal." Tyler cheesed.

By the evening, Isaiah came home to tell Tyler what he found out from Carlos.

"Tyler, guess what?" Isaiah smiled as Tyler gave Kayson a bath. "Word got back on who was shootin' at our asses the other night..."

"You mean, you know who did it?" Tyler asked as she took Kayson out of the bath and wrapped him up in a towel.

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