Chapter 41 - All over Again.

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The next day, Mr. Umlauf didn't pay me any mind as always. It was pretty bad before, but ever since Isaiah threatened him, he didn't acknowledge me. Since Noah took the car, Tyler decided that she wanted to take a cab with me to come to the house to talk to Isaiah. The moment we got there, I sat on the couch and let the two talk and make their way upstairs into his room. Tyler sat down on the bed, placing her hand on his lap.

"I've decided to stay." Tyler whispered, placing a worried smile on her face.

"Oh, foreal?" Isaiah cheesed.


Isaiah gave Tyler a large hug. That was the news that he wanted to hear. He let go of her and sighed, looking around.

"I could probably buy us a home in the complex and everyth-"

"But you have to promise me one thing, Isaiah." Tyler sighed.

Isaiah paused, giving her a blank look.

"Sure." Isaiah said. "What is it?"

"You have to stop killing and shooting people."

Isaiah paused. He gave her a funny look, then looked back.

"What if that person does something to me?" Isaiah snarled.

"Then let it go! Curse them out!" Tyler said in a slightly excited tone. "Just do something other than killing someone!"

Isaiah couldn't do it. He scratched his shoulder and shook his head, looking away.

"No." Isaiah said.


"I said no, Tyler." Isaiah repeated. "I'm not doing that."

Tyler couldn't believe it. If he really wanted her, he would change. But since he refused, she knew that she wasn't really that important enough to change for. Tyler tucked in her lips and grabbed her purse, throwing it over her shoulder.

"Then I'll be on the next flight to Florida soon." Tyler sighed as she walked out of the room. "Have a nice life, Isaiah."

Isaiah didn't take her seriously. Thinking that he could away every girl over, he knew that she would be back within a few hours. He left to head over to Carlos's, I went along with him to get out of the house. While Noah stayed in the house like always, the home phone rang out roughly 10 minutes after we left.

"Hello?" Noah answered.

"Which twin is this?" Aunt Shay asked.

"Ma?" Noah gasped. "It's Noah!"

Aunt Shay knew that it was Noah by how proper and well he spoke.

"Hey baby. I uh......" Aunt Shay paused. "Do you wanna know which jail I'm being held in?"

"Of course!" Noah said in a serious tone.

"DO NOT tell Isaiah!" Aunt Shay said in a serious tone. "I don't want him to come and start acting a fool because you know that he will. I don't want him to bail me out."

"I promise." Noah said as he grabbed the keys and headed out to the car. "Where are you?"

Noah raced to the jail that the police was holding Aunt Shay in. He arrived 30 minutes later and paced to the window his mother said that she would be in. When Noah seen her, she didn't have on any makeup. Her hair was combed behind her shoulders and it looked like she was completely warn out. Noah cracked a small smile and sat down in front of the window, placing his hand onto the glass. Aunt Shay immediately started to cry, placing her hand on the window as well.

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