Chapter 53 - Line Up.

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Tyler looked up at him, then placed the her cheeks on the end of her hands. Roman sat next to her and stared off at the sandy beach, looking in a daze.

"Y'know, my mama made me move down here as well." Roman snarled as he looked away. "Just recently.."


"Really." Roman growled. "I was just about to finish all of my college course, but she couldn't wait. As a matter of fact, she wouldn't wait......."

Tyler gave him a slightly sorry look, then looked off.

"All for a man, didn't she?" Tyler snarled.

"Well, the woman inside is my mothers friend. We're acquaintances." Roman snarled. "My momma's just making me stay with her until she has enough money to move down here with us. She's dating some online man down here, which is why she's moving with her friend."

"Wow." Tyler said as she shook her head. "So they're just.......sacrificing our future for themselves."


Roman glanced back at her, then reached into his large jacket pocket.

"Hey I got you somethin'." Roman smiled as he handed her a small box.

Tyler calmly took the box and opened it. Inside, there were small diamond earrings that he'd purchased her.

"W-wow...." Tyler stuttered. "How'd you know that I love diamond studded earrings?"

"I pay attention to you. Not like.....stalk you or anything, but I pay close attention to everyone I'm surrounded by." Roman said, cracking a small smile. "You never know who's gonna be a main source in your surroundings or career goals."

"Thank you." Tyler smiled.

"You're welcome." Roman strained as he stood up on the deck. "My father always told me that a man who pays attention is a man that'll be worthy and key to the future. I'll see you later."

Tyler didn't like Roman, but she respected how much of a gentlemen he was. That was one trait that Tyler wished that Isaiah had, but a man growing up in the suburbs and a man growing up in the slums aren't the same types of people. But what Roman was trying to do, was to keep her from getting hurt by a loose cannon like Isaiah.

Still, nobody in Tyler's family knew that Isaiah was in Key West.

The next day, Isaiah woke up in a bliss. Always waking up in the daylights of Schaefer for 18 and a half years, this was the first time he woke up to luxury. With $7000 of drug money to spend, he didn't have to worry about Tyler paying for anything. When we lifted up in his bed, he squinted his eyes out at the balcony and beach area that was outside.

"aahooooo." Kayson yawned, waking up and wiggling his legs under the small sheet.

"Good morning, K nasty." Isaiah smiled as he gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You want breakfast?"

Kayson grinned and wiggled his arms and legs, allowing Isaiah to pick him up. He walked over to the large kitchen and made his bottle with room temperature bottled water he always kept inside of Kayson's diaper bag, placing it in a small pot of boiling water. While the bottle got ready, Isaiah heard a knock on his door.

"Hello?" Isaiah answered.

"Would you like some room service, sir?" The woman smiled.

Isaiah scrunched his eyebrows at her, giving her a weird look.

"Is that shit for free?" Isaiah scoffed. "Cause I know that shit at hotels cost a lot."

"It's already been paid for, remember?" The woman smiled again.

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