Chapter 21 - Reconsideration.

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When Isaiah walked through the door, I was feeding Kayson his bottle and watching tv as he fell asleep while eating. I smiled at him, thinking that everything was alright. I thought that the date with him and Tyler went pretty well.

"Hey!" I cheered in a low tone, glancing at him. "How'd the date go?"

"She don't wanna see me no mo'." Isaiah said as he placed his shopping bags down, taking off his shoes.

"Wait a minute, what?"

"She told me that after today, she don't wanna see me no more. I should've figured that that's how the date was gonna go." Isaiah repeated as he started making his way upstairs. "Every time I try to introduce somebody to the real me, they get scared and run off.."

"Damn." I said as I shook my head. "Well, maybe I ca-"

"Cus, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go to bed so I can get some rest and hang out with Noah and them other nigga's tomorrow." Isaiah groaned, not wanting to talk about how his night went. "So......I guess when you get done burping Kayson, you can lay him down in my room or sum.."

I felt bad for Isaiah, but I don't blame Tyler. I'd be scary as hell too. I couldn't really judge what I would do, considering the fact that I KNOW Isaiah, but for a person who doesn't know him, I had no choice but to accept why people were so scared of the way that he was.

And the main reason why Isaiah remained this evil, is because nobody would give him a chance.

The next day, I had to go back to class. Now that the weekend was over, I had to get back to this hellhole called college. While I went there, Noah was getting ready to hang out with the first pair of friends that he had since middle school. As Isaiah waited downstairs with a regular gray top, blue shorts, and some white shoes. Noah on the other hand, was taking ages. He jogged up and down the stairs, asking Isaiah what he should wear.

"Should I wear my plain old gray jogging suit, or should I wear a plain old white shirt with some shorts?" Noah panted as he glanced at Isaiah.

"Nigga, we ain't going to a fashion show. We just going around the corner to see the nigga's I always see on a regular." Isaiah laughed as he rested on the couch. "Cool it, Lady Gaga."

"Well, maybe I'll go with the plain white top and shorts." Noah nodded as he jogged back up the stairs.

After another 5 minutes, Isaiah drove him and Noah around the corner and in front of Carlos's house. Standing out on the porch, was Q and Asha. Both of them were smoking weed. As Isaiah got ready to get out of the car, Noah grabbed his arm and tugged him back in.

"Wait!" Noah sighed as he closed his eyes.

"What, man?" Isaiah snarled. "We here!"

"Listen I......I don't have much of a social life and.." Noah sighed. "I just wonder what I should I should talk, how can I-"

"The only thing you don't mention here is that museum shit that you be bringing up at the crib. Nobody cares about politics out here." Isaiah chuckled. "Otherwise, you'll do fine. Just get out of the car."

Isaiah stepped out and watched as Q and Asha chanted "Saiah!" and gave him a handshake at the door. When Noah stepped out and walked slowly up to the porch, both of their mouths dropped at him.

Isaiah always mentioned Noah, but they'd never seen him in person since he was always in the house.

"Holy shi....." Q cheesed as he looked back at Isaiah. "Isaiah, you ain't never let us see yo' twin brother!"

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