Chapter 62 - Follow your Dreams.

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The next day was another day of class for me. Once again, I wasn't in the mood. I wasn't focused. I didn't give a shit. For the whole time, Mr. Umlauf stood up in front of the class, writing down multiple things on the board. While everyone around me sat there and wrote down everything that was on the board, I glanced at my notebook and realized that the last time I took notes was 3 weeks ago. While I sat there in class trying my hardest not to dose off, Mr. Umlauf called my name.

"Do you know, Josh?" He said.

I lifted up my head and gave him a sleepy look, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Huh?" I mumbled.

"Do you know what was Shakespeare's longest play?"

I didn't know nor did I care. My mind was elsewhere. Looking back at it, I was what I call a slacker.

"Ion' know......" I shrugged, wiping my eyes. "Like 600 words?"

I heard a few people snicker in class. I still didn't give a shit. I just placed the side of my head back into my hand, watching Mr. Umlauf shake his head and continue writing on his board. At the end of class, Mr. Umlauf handed me the last essay I turned in last. I'd received a 0%.

"Oh lord...." I groaned.

"You didn't even follow the rubric, Josh." Mr. Umlauf said in a disappointed tone. "It didn't even seen like you tried."

"Hey. Whatever."

I balled up my essay and threw it right in the trash, watching him give me a stunned look. I stretched and walked out of class as if nothing happened. I couldn't believe that I was acting like a complete asshole. I wasn't myself. That wasn't like me. I care all about education and I care about nothing but my future.

But at the moment, I didn't give a slight ounce of a fuck.

Meanwhile, a neighbor next door found Taylor's mother still lying unconscious on her floor when she didn't see her leaving for work the next day. She called the ambulance and they escorted her to a hospital that was out in the suburbs. The hospital winded up examining her while she was unconscious and giving her a breathing mask. 3 hours later, she was conscious again. The women at the hospital placed a small ice pack on her forehead.

"Donna, it's me. Your same doctor." The female said as she took the breathing mask off of her. "The neighbor reported that you had a recent fall-"

"No. No I didn't....." Taylor's mother scoffed, jumping up in her bed. "I didn't have a fall-"


"That bastard Isaiah did this! He's trying to keep my grandson away from me!" Donna spazzed, not stopping her talking. "He knocked me down the stairs and-"

"Donna, calm down. Calm down!" The nurse said. "It's gonna be okay."

Donna gave her nurse a foul look, then leaned back into her pillow. The nurse sighed and gave her a small cup of water. However, she didn't want it.

"Is there anything that you want?"

"Yes." Donna growled. "I want to speak to the police."

Within a half an hour, the local police were involved. The officers walked into Donna's hospital room, waiting for the nurse to leave so that they could ask her questions.

"Ma'am, what'd you call to report?"

"An attempted murder." Donna growled. "My grandsons father tried to murder me."

"And what's his name?" The second officer asked.

"Isaiah." She growled. "Isaiah Steels."

"Well he sounds familiar." The first officer laughed in a sarcastic tone, joking about how he always stay in the system. "And what did he do to you, ma'am?"

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