Chapter 12 - Deadbeat.

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The next day, I called Isaiah and asked him if he could drop me off at college. As Isaiah drove, Kayson slept in between his legs with the side of his face laid out on Isaiah's stomach. Even though Kayson wasn't my child, watching him ride in the front seat like that made me a little uncomfortable. But the great thing about it is that I always got there earlier with Isaiah than I did with Noah. As we stopped, I decided to tell him what I did last night. Not to brag, but more so of telling him that I'm capable of doing so.

"Thanks again for the money, Isaiah." I nodded as I placed my book into my bag. "I needed it."

"Don't sweat it, nigga." Isaiah said as he rubbed Kayson's back.

I looked at Isaiah, placing a small smile onto my face.

"Guess what?" I said as Isaiah placed his fingers into Kayson's hair, looking up at me.


"I pulled my first robbery last night." I grinned.

Isaiah's eyes widened as he looked at me in amazement. He started to smile as Kayson's tiny and limp hand fell on the butt of his pistol. Isaiah looked down and moved his hand away from it, placing it onto his lap.

"You for real?" Isaiah laughed.

"Yeah. Look." I said as I rustled into my pockets.

I lifted it out and pulled it out on him, watching Isaiah's eyes soften. He nodded his head, looking back up at me.

"How'd you do it?" Isaiah asked me.

"I caught some girl walking by herself in the middle of the night." I grinned. "I couldn't see her, but I just yanked her ass up and placed the pistol onto her head. She gave me $300 from her purse."

"Good shit." Isaiah smiled as he gave me a handshake. "I'm glad that I taught you something good in life."

I didn't understand what he was saying. I scrunched my eyebrows at him, giving him a weird look.

"By robbing people?" I laughed.

"Nah. How to survive." Isaiah continued. "If you EVER go broke one day and wanna provide for yo' future wife, kids, momma, etc, you'll know how to get yo' dough. That's what I got to....well, HAD to do before I was kicked out of my momma house. It was either rob, or die because you ain't got no food on the table."

"Wow." I said, giving him a serious look. "That's.....deep."

"Yeah. Well, you better get yo' narrow ass off to class before yo' teacher hoe you again." Isaiah laughed as he nudged my shoulder. "Plus, I gotta get home before Kayson wake up and want a bottle. I left his diaper bag at the crib."

"Oh shit! Yeah." I panted as I glanced at the time, rushing out of the car. "I'ma hit you up later!"

I don't know why having all of this money on me made me feel like an egotistical asshole. I just felt like I was the shit since I had almost a $1,000 on me, but it was whatever. I didn't want to spend any of it yet because I knew that I would wind up spending it all.

When I walked into class, I sat down next to Tyler and expected it to be a good day from here on out. It wasn't. I'd got to class almost 10 minutes early, so this gave me enough time to goof off and mess around until Mr. Umlauf started another crazy lesson. When I glanced at her, I watched her stare into space as her body trembled a little, almost as if she'd been shocked. When I placed my hand on her shoulder, she jumped hard and gave me an evil look.

"Don't do that!" She said in a loud outburst, giving me a crazed look.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I said in a soft tone, watching her sigh.

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