Chapter 7 - "Like Father, Like Son."

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As Aunt Shay decided to change her mind and work two shifts. Knowing that bailing out on work would make the bills pile up higher than they have been, she really didn't have a choice.

But when she seen Isaiah, she was going to let him HAVE IT.

Isaiah was missing as always when me and Noah got home. It was nothing new. Isaiah never left a note on where he was going and he would NEVER leave a note on where he was going, who he was with, or where he was going. Isaiah was at Carlos's house, way at the end of the Schaefer projects. As usual, they were smoking and dealing drugs. Isaiah was selling a whole block of Cocaine that he cooked up when he stayed over there.

The buyer dropped a large duffel bag by Isaiah, watching his eyes widen.

"Holy shit." Isaiah gasped as he glanced inside. "That's.......that's mine, right?"

"Yeah." The buyer said as he grabbed the block. "You cooked me up a whole block, so that 27 grand is all yours."

"Wow." Isaiah thought, smiling to himself. "I can move my mama out of here."

"Damn, Isaiah!" Q gasped as he walked over to him, looking over the couch. "Did he just pay you 27 G's?"

"Yeah, man." Isaiah gasped, shaking his head. "I don't even know what to do with it."

"That can buy you a house out of these projects." Asha smiled as she put on her fishnet stockings along with her black shorts to go do some prostitution.

"Yeah...." Isaiah said in a daze, realizing how much money he just made.

Suddenly, there was a knock on Carlos's door. As always, Isaiah placed his gun off safety and went to the door to answer it. When he glanced out of the peephole, he seen an older woman who had a bright and soft colored baby blanket over her shoulders.

She was there with his son, Kayson.

"Fuck." Isaiah growled as he looked at everyone. "Aye aye aye y'all, clean all of them drugs off the table."

"Somebody tryin' to rob us?!" Carlos barked as he walked towards the front door with his shotgun. "Cause i'm ready to blow a nigga's cap all the way o-"

"Nah nah nah it's Taylor's grandmama." Isaiah whispered as he waved his hand at them. "Just hide that shit in the room for a second!"

As everyone scurried around with weed, cocaine, heroin, and other drugs, the woman knocked on the door again. Isaiah told her to hold on again, waiting a full minute before everyone gave him the signal. Isaiah took a deep breath and opened the door, giving Taylor's mother a grim look.

"Hello..." Taylor's mother said, lowering her head.

"Hi?" Isaiah said in a blunt tone, giving her a grim look.

"Listen, can you come outside so that we can talk?" Her mother sighed. "I'd rather not do it in front of your friends.."

"Sure." Isaiah shrugged as he stepped out. "Whatever.."

Isaiah stepped out on the porch with Taylor's mother. He hadn't seen her since the altercation funeral. As they sat down on the bench outside of Carlos's home, she removed the blanket off of Kayson and showed him to Isaiah. Isaiah's eyes widened, realizing that he was a splitting image of him and Noah.

"I just thought that since you never want to see your son that I bring him to you." Taylor's mother sighed as she handed him to Isaiah.

Isaiah never got emotional, but seeing his son really made him feel weird inside. A good weird. He looked at his two month old son's full head of hair and bobbly eyes as he clicked his tongue, looking around. Isaiah scrunched his lips, trying not to get too emotional in front of her. He really didn't like to show his emotions in front of other people.

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