Chapter 14 - "Dear Mama."

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Isaiah and Carlos grabbed the two bodies and took them an hour away to a deep and wooded area in Florida. When they got to the unknown area, they spent a while digging up two holes and burying them there. Afterwards, they drove an hour back to make their way home. During the ride, Isaiah picked up his phone and called me, stroking onto Kayson as he slept on Isaiah's stomach.

"Hello?" I answered.

"What's up, cus?" Isaiah smiled as Carlos drove home.

"Oh hey, what's up Isaiah?" I said as I lifted up.

"Do you need a ride from wherever you at?" Isaiah asked as he stroked Kayson's hair.

"Actually, yeah." I nodded as I wrote down me and Taylor's script at her home. "Don't you know where my college is at?"


"It's on the next block right after you get to the end of the strip." I said. "Then when you turn in, make a right and it'll be the second house in the community."

"I gotchu." Isaiah nodded. "We'll be there in 45 minutes, alright?"

"Yeap." I said. "Good lookin' out."

For the rest of the remaining time, me and Taylor worked on practicing out scripts on Macbeth. We had one more day to work on it before presentation time. An hour later, I heard loud music approaching and blasting in the community.

I knew that it was Isaiah.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me." I whispered in embarrassment as Taylor laughed.

"Well uh.....I see that your ride is here!" Taylor laughed as I packed my things and made my way out of the door.

"Alright well, I'll see you later." I smiled as I waved goodbye to her, walking out of the door.

When I stepped out, I placed my hands out and shook my head as Isaiah got out of the car and started laughing.

"Really, nigga?" I snarled, putting a small smile on my face.

"I should've been conscious of that, cus. I woke Kayson up and everything." Isaiah laughed as Kayson sucked on his pacifier, bobbling his head around. "Come on, lets go."

"WAIT! Joshua!"

I turned around and seen Taylor run out with my cell phone. My mouth dropped as I took it, shaking my head.

"I almost forgot my fucking cell phone." I growled angrily to myself as I covered my eyes. "Thanks Taylor."

"You're welcome." Taylor smiled.

When I looked at Joshua, I watched as he stared at Taylor. While he looked at her, I seem that his face was a bit softer than usual. It wasn't tensed up. And for once, he wasn't being obnoxious or loud like he normally was.

That was the first sign that told me that Taylor had caught Isaiah's eye.

"Uh, Taylor this is Isaiah." I smiled as I looked at Isaiah. "Isaiah, this is Taylor."

"Hi Isaiah!" Taylor smiled.

"Wassup, shawty." Isaiah smiled as he shook her hand. "Nice to meet you."

Wow. I've never seen Isaiah actually smile in a happy form. Like, smile smile. When we got inside of the car, I decided to pick on him a little bit during the drive.

"So Isaiah, you like Taylor, don't you?" I smiled.

"Nigga, I don't 'een know her." Isaiah snarled as he gave me an agitated look.

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