Chapter 46 - "Yo' Blood."

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When Carlos dropped us back over to his home, the inside was completely wiped away of any drugs or any other trace of it. Q and the others were relaxing on the couch, watching TV. When they seen Carlos grinning and smiling, they knew that we completed the deed.

"What you smiling for, Los?" Q asked.

"I know." Stacey said, jumping in. "He blew that bitch's cap back."

"Actually, I didn't." Carlos smiled. "She did it herself."

Asha lifted up on the couch, giving us a shocked look.

"Y'all made her kill herself?" Asha asked.

"When we got there, she was just......dead." I said in a worried tone, sitting down. "We think she killed herself beforehand."

"So why he so happy about it?" Stacey laughed.

"Oh, you'll see." Carlos smiled. "Come back by 6am Josh. You'll see why."

And by 6am, it was all over the news.

"In other news in the triple homicide that took place over a month ago, the survivor of the shooting, committed suicide during the early hours today." The newswoman said, standing in front of the yellow taped home. "The woman was a key witness to the murder that took place with her 18 year old son and the shooting over her niece a month ago. The police recovered a suicide note from the scene, which hasn't been released to the public."

And while we were happy, this was a big blow to the California Police Department. The officers sat in their offices, glancing up at the TV in shock. Detective Sayers and Foster looked at each other, huddling together.

"That was our key fucking witness, Kenny!" Detective Foster growled as they huddled together.

"I know! I'm just now hearing about the news." Detective Sayers snarled as he looked down. "We've got to think....Hm....."

"We still have the tape on where she identified Isaiah's tattoo's, right?" Detective Fosters asked.


"So maybe we could bring that to the judge and see if we can still arrest him." Detective Fosters continued. "Do you think that that'll be enough evidence to prosecute him?"

"I don't know." Detective Sayers said in a low tone. "Let's gather this evidence and bring it to the judge."

The detectives headed off to the courts to get some conformation from the judge if this case was worth bringing to trial. When they arrived 15 minutes later, they spent a half an hour presenting evidence to the judge. Afterwards, the judge appeared everything but moved.

"So this is all the evidence you have?" The judge asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes we understand that it's circumstantial, but-"

"You can't arrest him on something as simple as tattoos, detectives." The judge said. "Do you have any other evidence other than her describing the tattoos on a persons body?"

"The odds of someone else having these same tattoos is very slim-"

"But it's possible, detectives." The judge said. "Do you have any DNA evidence?"

The detectives looked at each other, then bowed their heads.


"Any eye witnesses?"


The judge shook her head, taking off her glasses and folding her arms while leaning back in the chair.

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