Chapter 63 - Drugged. [Part 1.]

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Aunt Shay dropped to her knees and started crying. She covered her mouth and silently wept while clutching the note in her other hand. As she sat by her door, Isaiah came jogging up the stairs with Kayson. He'd just arrived from selling a quick bud at Carlos's house.

"Ma!" Isaiah said as he looked down at her. "What's wrong?"

Aunt Shay didn't say anything. Isaiah glanced at her hand and took the note from her grip. He read the long note for 2 minutes, threw it on the ground, and started pacing to his room.

"Man. Fuck!" Isaiah barked as he placed Kayson down onto his bed and started dialing Noah's number.

Isaiah paced back and forth in the room, waiting for him to pick up. Suddenly, he heard someone click in on the line.

"Hello?" Noah answered.

"Real shit, Noah?" Isaiah barked. "Fo real?!"

Noah knew that Isaiah was going to be upset. He took a deep breath and prepared to tell him everything.

"Listen, I ain't wanna make it difficult." Noah sighed. "I just knew that once I said goodbye, it was gonna be-"

"Noah fuck allat! You got momma over here bawling her eyes out!" Isaiah snapped. "Why the hell would you leave her knowin' her condition?"

"Quit actin' like I left her alone, Isaiah!"

"You ain't even say goodbye knowin' that she could DIE at anytime!" Isaiah barked. "You ain't shit, Noah. You really ain't!"

Meanwhile, I had no clue about what was going on at the house. I didn't even have a clue about what was going on in class. Today was just another day of me dozing off and not giving a shit about what Mr. Umlauf was talking about. As he sat up and babbled on, I sat back in my class and tried my hardest not to fall asleep. What was worse is that we had another hour and a half until it ended, so it was going to be a long day. Eventually, my body winded up giving out. I placed my head on my desk and buried my face into my arms, falling into a deep sleep.

Suddenly, I felt a large crack on my desk. It was Mr. Umlauf. He'd banged the stick he had in his hands on my desk to wake me up.

"Josh, what in your RIGHT mind makes you think that it's okay to sleep in my class?" Mr. Umlauf barked.

I sniffed and glanced at a few students. I could tell that they were growing tired of me and my careless attitude. I didn't give a fuck. I wiped my eyes and looked up at Mr. Umlauf's red face.

"I'm sorry Mr. Umlauf...." I groaned, struggling to keep my eyes open. "I'm just.......sleepy....."

"You know what, I want you out of my class until you get your act together." Mr. Umlauf demanded as he flashed the stick towards the classroom door. "Now."

I didn't hesitate. I got up, stretched, and made my way to the door. But before I could walk all the way out, Mr. Umlauf walked by the door and gave me one last remark.

"Stop wasting your parents money, Josh."

Suddenly, the door was slammed in my face. I stood there for a while and watched Mr. Umlauf continue to teach his class. I blew it off and pulled out my phone, walking outside and calling Isaiah.

"Yo?" Isaiah answered in an agitated tone.

"'Saiah, I need a ride." I growled. "My teacher just kicked me out."

Isaiah didn't ask questions. He got into his car and drove to my college, which was 10 minutes away. When I got in the car, I glanced at Kayson as he slept in between Isaiah's legs. On the way back, Isaiah told me everything that'd happened with Noah. I on the other hand, couldn't believe that he actually left.

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