Chapter 8 - Gun's Drawn.

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Just as Isaiah was about to feed his son the poisoned milk, the bottle shattered in his hand. Isaiah and the others glanced around in confusion as the front door bursted open. 5 masked men ran inside with long guns, almost stick like figures.

"Everybody drop to the muthafuckin' ground!" The lead robber barked. "If I see one of y'all do otherwise, i'll blow ya' brains out!"

Everyone in the house shook their heads, dropping down onto the ground. As Isaiah covered his child and gave them an angry look, 2 of the men had ran over to Isaiah's duffel bag and grabbed it. In an impulse, Isaiah jumped up and got in the men's faces.

"What the hell, man!?" Isaiah barked. "That's my money you go-"

"Boy sit yo' rabbit ass down before I blow yo' fur off!" The first shooter barked as he pointed the long barrel in Isaiah's face.

Isaiah laid back down on the ground and watched the men take the duffel bag full of money, scurrying out of the house. Once they left, Isaiah lifted up by the window and seen the buyer getting inside of the car.

"YO, He jipped us!" Isaiah barked as he placed Kayson onto the couch, grabbing his pistol. "The buyer took our block of cocaine and he jipped us!"

"What?!" Everyone said as they grabbed their guns.

Isaiah and the others ran outside, firing at the car to try and attempt and flatten their tires. Of course, it didn't work. It was too late. Kids, teenagers, and adults watched them fire shots at it as the car sped out of the Schaefer projects. Isaiah stormed back off into the house, angrier than he's ever been before.

"Isaiah, ISAIAH!" Asha called out as he started throwing his shit around.

"Nigga, calm down!" Carlos shouted as he grabbed Isaiah's shoulders.

"Get the fuck off of me!" Isaiah barked at everyone as he grabbed Kayson and made his way to his house. "These nigga's just stole my 27 G's AND took my block of cocaine!"

Meanwhile, I'd made my way back home after being booted away from my college teacher. I was pissed. I'd spent the whole night writing an essay based on my teachers standards and he didn't give me a grade on it. When I got home, I seen Isaiah panting hard at the table. He covered his eyes with the bottom of his hands, holding the gun in his left hand. Kayson was sitting in his small bean bag.

"Isaiah?" I said as I glanced at him. "What's wro-"

"I just got robbed of 27 G's, man!" Isaiah barked, startling me from his loud tone. "That's what just happened!"

"Woah.." I gasped as I walked up to him. "Are.......are you gonna get it back?"

"Oh hoh hoh, i'ma get it back." Isaiah laughed as he shook his head at me, gritting his teeth. "I'm gonna get my damn money back. If I gotta blow somebody head off to do it, I will."

I looked at Isaiah and could tell that he was losing it. He was shaking uncontrollably, giving me a vicious and evil look in his bloodshot eyes. To get away from him, I lied and told him that I had to study for my schooling upstairs. I didn't want to be around him while he was losing it like that. As Isaiah continued to pant and breath heavily in his palms, Noah stepped out from the backroom and folded his arms at Isaiah.

"So you're a murderer now, huh?" Noah said to him.

Isaiah stopped. He placed his pistol in his pocket and stood up, looking at Noah in shock. None of his family members knew that he'd ever killed anyone before.

"What?" Isaiah snapped as he stood face to face with his brother.

"Josh didn't tell me, so don't suspect him." Noah continued.

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