Chapter 54 - "Poor Baby..."

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"Sorry detectives, but that's still not enough evidence." The judge said, shaking her head.

"You've got to be kidding." Detective Sayers sighed as he turned away, placing his hands on his head.

"The girl pointed him out and said that he looked the closest to him!" Detective Fosters plead.

"Didn't she say that they all had on masks?"

"Yes, but she pointed-"

"Unless she seen all of the men with NO masks on, then this will not be admissible in court." The female judge said as she glanced down at the papers on her podium, placing her glasses on. "Not only that, but she's a FIVE year old girl. The defense is going to tear her to shreds when she gets on the stand and they're going to declare her too young."

Before the detectives walked out, Detective Sayers looked back and gave the judge an angry look.

"We're trying to get a murderer off of the streets, but you won't allow us." Detective Sayers growled. "There will be more murders."

"Which would you like better, Sayers?" The judge smiled, giving him a sarcastic look. "Would you rather bring him to court and have him be found 'Not Guilty' and be forever dismissed of these murder charges?"

The detectives bowed their heads, giving each other a frustrated look as the judge went back to working her files.

"You find your evidence, and I'll put out an arrest warrant." The judge snarled. "Until then, get out of my courtroom."

When Tyler woke up a little after 12, she heard a lot of laughing in the living room. When she stepped down, she seen her little sister and Francesca that her father was with, playing the Wii together. Her father was already was maintaining another cigar business that he purchased.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Francesca smiled. "Me and your sister have been waiting for you to wake up!"

Tyler didn't say anything. She stepped down into their large living room, looking around.

"Where's my dad?"

"Oh he's at work!" Francesca smiled, looking at Tyler's sister. "Nicky, would you like some orange juice?"


"Okay." Francesca smiled as she stepped into the kitchen and swung the door open. "It feels so good to be helping out around here."

"Helping out?!" Tyler snarled. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, just helping you both out with the girly things around here." Francesca said. "I'm pretty sure your father isn't good with the female touch up-"

"Wait a minute, you listen to me." Tyler snapped as she stepped into the kitchen. "Who the hell are you to tell me what things my father can and cannot do? You don't know him like I do!"

"Well, I was just-"

"No, you were just nothing! I have a mother and I'm 18 years old." Tyler continued. "Don't come in here trying to fulfill that 'mother' role because you're just a girlfriend at the moment. Let's keep that clear."

The woman didn't mean to do any harm, but I understood why Tyler got upset. She didn't want nobody thinking that they would replace her mother considering the fact that her and her mom were still close, so she felt a little threatened by it. After Francesca left with Nicky to go to the park, Tyler decided to put on her bathing suit and step off of her balcony to walk onto the beach. There were TONS of college students there. Since Tyler didn't know anyone, she laid out her towel towards the back of the beach and laid out to tan.

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