Chapter 48 - The Sunny State.

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Tyler stepped into the hospital room with some black jeans and a black top with some heels. She had the same long weave she always sported in her hair along with her French manicured nails that always complimented her fingers. She hadn't changed a bit since she left a month and a half ago. Still, we were still wondering how she managed to get up here.

"How'd you get up here?" I asked in a curious tone.

"I took a flight." Tyler nodded. "I told my dad what was going on so.....he gave me a 1st class ticket to Cali."

I walked up to Tyler and gave her a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek. Afterwards, she stepped up to Isaiah as they stood there for a few seconds and gave each other a hug that was quite longer than mine. As Isaiah rested his face onto her shoulder, then cracked a small smile as Tyler flipped her weave over her shoulder.

"Is he okay?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah he alright. He ain't cry or nun." Isaiah said as he turned to Kayson. "He's a warrior just like his daddy. Mhm."

"Hi Kayson!" Tyler smiled as she tickled his feet.

As Kayson kicked and wiggled his feet around, the doctor laughed and jogged up to them.

"Ooh ooh ooh! You can't do that!" The doctor laughed. "He just got bandaged up after we took the bullet out of him."

"Whoops!" Tyler smiled as she stepped back. "Sorry."

Just when it seemed like everything was going too good, the moment had to be shattered. Soon after Noah stepped into the room, Taylor's mother barged past Noah and went up to the doctor.

"Is my grandbaby alright?" Taylor's mother panted as she stepped up to the doctor.

"Yes, he's fi-"

"You could've said 'excuse me', ma'am." Noah scoffed as he stepped next to Isaiah.

"I'm sorry but I was just trying to get to my grandbab-"

"Bitch you still could've said 'scuse me to my fuckin' brother." Isaiah barked as he grilled her. "Ain't none of us have to push nobody to get in here!"

"What'd you call me?" The woman scoffed.

"Come on, Isaiah." I sighed as I tried to escort him out of the room. "Let's not start this."

"Hell nah I'm stayin' right here with my son!" Isaiah said as he moved my arm off of him and glanced back at the woman.

The doctor in the room was shuffling for things in her drawer, but I knew that she wasn't looking for anything. She was just doing that to act like she wasn't in the middle of the awkward confrontation. Taylor's grandmother looked at Kayson's patch and started tearing up, giving Isaiah a furious look.

"You did this. You did this!" Taylor's mother barked as she pointed at Isaiah.

"Are you accusin' me of shooting my own son!?" Isaiah barked at her.

"Isaiah, let's just leave." Noah sighed as he tried to escort him out.

"Noah, I told you that I ain't leavin' this fuckin' room." Isaiah said as he raised his hands up and looked at him from the corner of his eye.

"Your dangerous neighborhood is too much for my grandbaby and you just REFUSE to let me keep him!" Taylor's mother growled.

"Bitch he ain't yo' son!" Isaiah snapped. "I ain't fuck yo' ass, so you shouldn't be arguin' about shit!"

"What type of parent still wants his son to be with him through this sick and VICIOUS ways?!" Taylor's mother growled. "As a matter of fact, you don't even know if my grandbaby was yours! You weren't in that delivery room!"

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