Chapter 50 - Homeland!

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Isaiah sat on his bed with his revolver again. His hands were shaking and his eyes were filled with every emotion that he's been keeping bottled in ever since he lost his grandmothers possession. As Kayson slept by the wall on his head, Isaiah opened the clip and seen the one bullet he placed inside. He held the gun close to his head, saying one last thing before he began another game of Russian Roulette with himself.

"If it happens, it happens.." Isaiah whispered as he looked up, trying to portray a message with God.

Isaiah spun the cylinder and placed the gun up to his temple, pulling the trigger.


The gun didn't go off. Isaiah had 5 more times to go before he cleared himself out. He spun the cylinder again and placed it up to his head, shutting his eyes.

Click. 4 more to go.

Isaiah spun the cylinder around a little longer and placed it against his head, pulling the trigger.

Click. 3 more to go.

He spun it again and placed it against his temple. No shots. 2 more to go. Isaiah spun it around for a short period of time and pulled the trigger. 1 last one to go. Isaiah glanced at the gun and started spinning the cylinder again, placing his revolver against his temple.


When Isaiah turned, he seen Kayson smiling at Isaiah and kicking his feet. Kayson rolled over and slowly crawled over to Isaiah's lap, smashing his face against his shorts and nibbling on it. Kayson's crawl was a little off because of his wound. Isaiah gave him a kiss and laid Kayson back by the wall, lying next to him in the bed.

"You my only friend, Kays." Isaiah mumbled as he laid into his pillow.

But Isaiah still had one more round of Russian Roulette to go. Isaiah glanced at the gun and opened it window, pointing it outside and pulling the trigger.


That was it. That was the last round. And the last round of the revolver actually fired the bullet. Had Isaiah placed it up to his head, Kayson would've seen both of his parents get shot and killed. But had Kayson not awaken and cooed to Isaiah, it wouldn't have stopped him. Isaiah glanced down at the smoking gun and placed it against the dresser, smooshing the side of his face into his pillow.

It was almost as if Kayson was saying "Don't do it, dad!" or something in that manner.

When the clock hit 3:00am, Isaiah placed Kayson next to me on the couch made his way to Tyler's hotel room. When he arrived there, he described Tyler's feature to the lady at the front desk, and she pointed out which room that she was staying in. Isaiah made his way to the middle of long hallway and knocked on her door, waiting for her to answer. Knowing that he was asleep, he banged on her door a little harder, waking Tyler up.

"What Isaiah......?" Tyler snarled as she wiped her eyes, standing in the doorway.

"So you 'ont want me to move with chu no mo'?" Isaiah snarled as he held his hands out.

"Isaiah, it's too late for this shi-"

"No I wanna know an answer!" Isaiah barked as he burst in and shut the door.

Tyler's eyes widened as she backed against the wall, watching him approach her.

"Isaiah if you don't get out I'm gonna call the police!" Tyler cried out loud.

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