Chapter 10 - "My Seed."

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My heart was racing out of my ass. What did they want me for? What if they knew that I killed someone? What if they knew that I knew Isaiah. I gave the officers a stunned look as they looked at me, smiling as if nothing was wrong.

"He's right here." Mr. Umlauf said as he looked at me. "Why, do you need him?"

"Just for questioning, that's it." The second officer said as he looked at me.

Mr. Umlauf glanced at me, placing a small grin on his face.

"You get away with missing class this time, late rabbit." Mr. Umlauf grinned as he turned away. "I'll have your assignments ready for you tomorrow. Your project is still due by then."

"Thanks Mr. Umlauf." I nodded as I walked up to the officers. "Um, I'm ready to go."

Shit. I was worried as hell.

I got into the back of the police car and remained silent. I knew that if I started talking, I wouldn't stop. That's something that I always do when I'm nervous, kind of like when I opened my mouth to Noah a few days ago. Thanking the Lord above, the officers didn't ask me anything either. They just talked among themselves, leaving me to sit awkwardly in the backseat and stare out at the pretty California Beach. We arrived at the station 10 minutes later and the officers escorted me into a sealed room, offering me something to drink.

I turned them down. There was no way in hell that I was going to take some drink from any officers. I watched crime shows too much and I knew that this was the slickest way to get my DNA to match it to a crime scene. I wasn't risking that shit. 5 minutes later, the same two officers walked in with yellow folders.

"Hello, I'm Detective Foster and this is detective Sayers." Detective Foster said as they both shook my hand.

"Hello." I said, stopping myself from saying a long list of things from nervousness.

"Now we're going to ask you a little bit of questions, alright?" Detective Foster said. "You won't be in any trouble unless you try to lie."


The officer pulled out a sheet of paper and slid it in front of me, showing me someone on the picture. It was a police picture of Isaiah as he held up his jail ID, giving the camera a scary, almost possessed and droopy look.

At that point, my heart picked up the pace.

"Do you know who this is?" Detective Sayers said in a serious tone.

Isaiah. My cousin. My FIRST cousin.

"No." I lied as I shook my head. "Who is that?"

"Well, we've gotten multiple reports in the Schaefer projects about you being with this person." Detective Foster said in a stern tone.

"And we have pictures of you two." Detective Sayers said as he reopened his folder.


I started twiddling my fingers nervously as Detective Sayers pulled out three large pictures of me and Isaiah together. One was us walking down the block, one was us walking towards Carlos's house, and one was of us one Aunt Shay's porch. Thinking on my feet, I had to come up with yet ANOTHER lie.

"Okay, I know him. That's my cousin." I sighed. "I.....I only said no because people always pinning him onto shit."

"We were asking because we think that he might have been involved in the robbery of a local family." Detective Foster said. "The only reason why we're having doubts is because only one of the three members could identify him as the person who led this attack."

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