Chapter 5 - First Timer.

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At the hospital, the doctors told us that Noah could go home if he wanted, but he would have to spend a week in a wheelchair. Doctors said that it could've been worse because the bullets that shot through his back were through and through, meaning that the bullets flew through his body. Had the bullets been lodged into his back, he could've been permanently. After the doctors patched up his back and wrapped some large bandages around his lower waist, me and Aunt Shay wheeled him into the car and headed home.

We arrived at the Schaefer projects almost a half an hour later, we walked into my aunts home and seen Isaiah sitting on the couch. He stood up, watching Aunt Shay wheel Noah into the house.

"You're home for once?" Aunt Shay snarled at Isaiah.

"Yeah." Isaiah sighed as he placed his hands in his pockets.

At this moment, I'd expect Isaiah to be so happy and cheerful that his brother was home. I'd expect him to be cheering for joy, clapping, or anything that indicated that he was happy to see his blood brother alive and well.

But I seen nothing. Isaiah stood there, ice cold as he grimmed Noah. He didn't even say 'Hi' to him.

"So ma, can I borrow your car later?" Isaiah asked, not acknowledging his brother. "I'm out of gas in mine."

"Well hello to you too, Isaiah." Noah snarled as he stood up out of his chair, using his crutches.

"Hey." Isaiah sighed, not caring that his brother was there.

"Your brother could've died, Isaiah." Aunt Shay snarled, giving him a vile look. "It would be nice to acknowledge him."

"I just said 'hi', ma. Damn!" Isaiah barked as he stepped back.

"You said it with an attitude, Isaiah. Don't get smart with me!" Aunt Shay snapped.

"Okay I obviously care about my brother being alive.." Isaiah complained, talking in an uncaring tone.

"You sure as hell don't show it." Noah strained as he grabbed his cane and started struggling up the stairs. "I'm gonna start.....preparing for my studies.."

Isaiah glanced at Noah, then turned to Aunt Shay.

"So can I borrow the car or not?" Isaiah continued, not caring about what just happened.

"You know what, no. I wan't you to stay here and help your brother." Aunt Shay said in a strict tone. "Plus, you NEVER come back before midnight like I ask you to."

"Ma i'ma bring it back like I said all I gotta do-"

"I said no, Isaiah!" Aunt Shay barked at him. "That's the end of it!"

Isaiah growled and looked away. However, he always had a 'Plan B' up his sleeve. He grinned a little, then looked back at my aunt as she scrambled around the table for her bill envelopes. Of course, she couldn't find them.

"What you looking for, ma?" Isaiah asked as he walked over to her.

"My bills I....I could've sworn that I had them right here.." Aunt Shay said in a confused tone, scattering around for them.

"Oh don't worry, ma." Isaiah smiled. "I took care of it for you."

Aunt Shay paused, looking up at him.

"You mean, you paid them?" Aunt Shay asked.


Aunt Shay smiled and hugged her son, only coming up at his chest. Isaiah was taller than her.

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