Chapter 37 - Key West.

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Tyler couldn't believe it. Just when she was getting a little comfortable where she was staying, something like this struck her in the face. She wanted to go back downstairs and ask her father, so she walked into the living room with her dress on.

"Hey dad?" Tyler asked.

"Hold on." Her father said to the person on the phone. "Hey sweetie! How was your date?"

"It was pretty good but.......I had something to ask you."

"Well, what is it dear?"

Tyler didn't have a problem with asking, but wanting to know was the problem. She bowed her head and grabbed her purse, making her way upstairs.


Tyler shook it off, trying to act like the news didn't bother her so much. She took off her dress and placed on her pajamas, plopping down on her bed and getting on her laptop. Bored, she glanced at her phone and called Isaiah.

"Yo." Isaiah answered in a blunt tone.

"Hey." Tyler smiled.

"Wassup babygirl?" Isaiah grinned.

"Nothin' just.......calling.."

"Mhm." Isaiah nodded. "You was thinking about ya' boy, wasn't you?"


In the background, Tyler heard Isaiah's shower cutting on. She placed a small smile on her face, scrolling on her laptop.

"Are you about to get in the shower?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah." Isaiah nodded. "I'ma call you back in a sec."


Isaiah paused, placing an evil grin on his face.

"You want me to send you some pics when I get out?" Isaiah grinned. "I can show you what daddy workin' with."

"You mean, while you're naked?" Tyler gasped.

"Yeah, girl." Isaiah said. "They can be yo' little keepsakes."

Usually Tyler would say no, but knowing that she'd be moving soon, she grinned and continued to scroll on her computer.

"Yeah." Tyler smiled.

"You for real?" Isaiah smiled. "I don't think that you ready."

"Shit then it must be small if you scared."

"Awh hell naw." Isaiah said as he prepared to get in the shower. "I'ma call you in like 20 minutes."

"Alright." Tyler laughed.

After they got off of the phone, Tyler decided to run her a hot bubble bath to soak in. Her bathroom was large and had granted counter tops, tiles floors, a long mirror, and a walk in shower in the corner of the room. After running her bath, she grabbed some lays chips, took of her clothes, and soaked into her steaming water. While bathing, she put the show "The Young and the Restless" up on her iPad stand, which was by the end of the bathtub against the wall. After soaking for a half an hour, Tyler washed herself up for 15 minutes and let the water out of the tub, wrapping herself in a towel and walking back into her room. As she laid down on her stomach, wrapped in her towel, she got on the internet and started to scroll on Tumblr, when she got a Skype call.

It was Isaiah. Tyler smiled and answered it, watching him pop up on her screen. He was still wet and he had a towel wrapped around his waist, bending down a tiny bit and adjusting his camera.

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