Chapter 13 - Tainted Picture.

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After a long days work, Isaiah picked me up and dropped me off over to Aunt Shay's. I asked him if he wanted to say hi to her, but he refuses. With that being said, I got up and walked inside of the home. When I walked in, all of the lights were off. It was quite weird, because the kitchen light would usually be on. Another good thing is that our teacher had an emergency, so we had the opportunity to bail out on class tomorrow since he wasn't going to be there. As I placed my books down beside the couch and sat down.

But then, I heard someone snore really loudly. I stood up and glanced down on the couch, watching some random man move and inch around. I jumped up and gave him a weird look, watching him snort and stretch his arms as he opened his eyes.

"Mhmfmm.." The man sniffed as he squinted his eyes open, glancing at me. "W-Who are you?"

"Who are you?" I snarled back as I looked at him. "This is where I sleep?"

"OH! My fault, my fault. Shay told me about you." The man smiled as he lifted up. "Listen man uh....why don't you sleep in Isaiah or one of the twins room or some shit..."

I had no clue who he was, but I didn't like him already. Swallowing my pride, I took my school bags upstairs and made my way into Noah's room to ask him who the man was. However, everyone was asleep before I could do so, so I went to go sleep in Isaiah's room.

When I walked inside, Isaiah's room was cleaner than I expected it to be. There was a lot of his clothes lying around, but he wasn't that messy. Something I also noticed, is that Aunt Shay didn't pack all of Isaiah's clothes. In fact, the majority of it was sitting inside of his closet. She left some of the main things inside of his room. [Things like his Xbox, speakers, headphones, etc.]

So since Isaiah wasn't there, I decided to be nosey and snoop around a little bit. When I looked next to the small dresser that sat beside him, I seen 5 sheets of paper. I took a closer look and realized that it was the DNA testing that Isaiah took for Kayson. In fact, he took multiple to make SURE that there was no mistakes. Each of the DNA papers read:

DNA Paternity test for Kayson Isaiah Moses.

Probability of Paternity: 99.9998%.

The alleged father, Isaiah James Moses, is not excluded as the biological father.

I have no clue why Isaiah continued to take these damn tests when the results proved that he was the father of Kayson over and over. I guess he was in pure denial. Meanwhile, I rummaged through a few drawers and seen nothing but clothes, clothes, and more clothes.

But when I looked under the bed, I hit the jackpot.

When I scooped a small bag out from under the bed, I uncovered a small grocery store bag that was filled with a little bit of things. When I poured it all out on the bed, I seen a pack of condoms, a small book, a picture of Isaiah and Taylor, and a revolver. I lifted up the gun and popped the clip open from the top. It was fully loaded. I looked at the picture of Isaiah and Taylor, holding a red cup and squinting their eyes shut at a party. I'm guessing that they were drunk. I moved onto the booklet and opened it, expecting it to be empty. It was a full booklet. So I decided to flip the pages, looking throughout the book.

Only then, I would enter the mind of a monster.

March 8th, 2010.

"I failed school, and I don't give a fuck!"

Alrighty then. Typical Isaiah. Next page.

November 28th, 2009.

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