Chapter 26 - Cat and Mouse. [Part 2.]

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When Tyler woke up, she slowly lifted up and placed her hand on the side of her face. Her head was pounding. When she squinted her eyes and looked at the clock on her phone, it was 2:37am. As she sat up in her backseat, her friends walked by the window. They were walking out with me, Carlos, and the rest of boys.

"Damn, you took it pretty hard out there Tyler!" Mimi laughed as she plopped into the passenger seat.

"I'll be the designated driver." Joseline scoffed as she got inside.

"Wha........what happened?" Tyler asked as Daisha sat next to her.

"You were dancing all crazy then you collapsed onto the floor!" Daisha laughed. "It was a pretty fun night!"

"Goodnight laaaaaadiesssss." Q slurred, also drunk as Carlos helped him to his car.

Soon afterwards, Tyler seen Isaiah walking to the car. He opened the door and leaned inside, watching Tyler inch back away from him.

"Aye, you good?" Isaiah asked. "You passed out on the floor and-"

"I'm fine." Tyler snarled as she gave him a sharp look.

"Well, I got you some garlic bread from the red lobster behind the club." Isaiah said as he placed it on her lap. "I ain't want you to-"

"Don't touch me, Isaiah." Tyler snapped as she gave him a serious look. "Seriously."

Isaiah knew that she was sober now. He cracked a small smile and waved goodbye to her, shutting the door and walking to Carlos's car. Tyler bit into her bread and started chewing down as they pulled away from the boys, putting the long night to rest. When me and Isaiah arrived home, we both took showers and started making our way to bed. Aunt Shay and Noah was already asleep when we got there. After Isaiah got done taking his long shower, he walked into the room and smiled.

"Kayson!" Isaiah smiled, cheering in a silent and a low tone.

Then, Isaiah realized that Kayson was no longer there. His slumped his shoulders and walked close to his bed, lying down soon after. All that was left of Kayson, was his baby blue blanket. The next day was a Saturday, so I didn't have to worry about waking up for college. I woke up around 10:30, lifting up and stretching. Soon after, I watched Isaiah walk out of the kitchen with a pan in his hand. He was making bacon.

"You want some?" Isaiah asked in a groggy and raspy tone.

"Yeah." I nodded, yawning afterwards.

But when I looked at Isaiah's eyes, I could see that he had bags under his eyes. I scrunched my eyebrows, leaning forward on the couch and scratching the back of my head.

"Why you look like you ain't slept in days, man?" I asked.

"I didn't sleep last night." Isaiah said as he took his omelette out of the kitchen , placing his plate on the table to start eating.

"Why not?"

Isaiah glanced at me, then took a bite of his omelette.

"I miss my son." Isaiah said, chewing his omelette and not giving me any eye contact.

"Don't worry, man!" I smiled. "Taylor's mama can't keep him from you forever."

"Nah it's more than that I mean..." Isaiah paused as he stopped chewing. "It's just...ever since I watched Joey get killed, I'm worried that something's gonna happen to him. Especially after what happened to Taylor."

"Damn..." I said in a low tone. "I ain't even think about that."

"But don't worry." Isaiah said in a blunt tone. "They ain't gone hurt my son as long as I'm around."

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