Chapter 24 - Pride and Joy.

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As Tyler walked inside of the house, she flipped her hair and shook her head, finishing her studies with me. By her hard breathing and panting, I could tell that she was agitated.

"What happened?" I asked, scrunching my eyebrows at her.

"That bastard Isaiah was the one who raped me in front of my sister and father!" Tyler barked as she pointed at the door. "He raped me even AFTER he was trying to date me! How dare he!"

Damn. I didn't think that Isaiah would come out like that. Feeling bad, I had no choice but to tell Tyler what I did.

"Tyler, I think that I need to tell you what I did as well." I sighed as I looked at her.

As Tyler looked up at me, I sighed and looked away.

"I was the one who.................robbed you that day when you came into Schaefe-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Tyler stood up off of the couch and gave me a shocked look.

"Tyler, I swear on my mother that I didn't know that that was you-"

"And you expect me to believe that?" Tyler scoffed. "You expect me to believe that you and your cousin just conveniently just ran into the same fucking person? You think i'm really THAT stupid?"

"Tyler I know that it sounds crazy but that's what happened!" I plead, trying my hardest to get her to believe me.

But I couldn't sway her over. And honestly, I didn't blame her. Even though I was telling the truth, the whole story sounded like a bunch of bullshit. Tyler snatched her book and her purse, letting me know one last remark before she stormed out of the house and drove off in her car.

"Wait until my father finds out about this." Tyler whispered in a sinister tone, lifting her index finger up and storming outside.

As Isaiah sat on the porch, Tyler pushed him out of the way and stormed into her car with her hells, watching him stand up afterwards.

"Damn, Tyler!" Isaiah snarled as he scrunched his eyebrows at her.

Tyler sped off in front of me and Isaiah, watching us give her a dumbfounded look. I didn't tell Isaiah that she was going to tell her dad, because I knew that he would wind up following her and killing her ass.

However, I was scared shitless on what would happen if her father actually found out.

The next day, Isaiah woke up and looked outside. It was very cloudy. He was preparing to have a normal day, until he realized what had happened yesterday. At first he thought it was a bad dream, until he seen the blood splatters on the white tee that he wore yesterday. He looked up at it, turning and glancing at Kayson. He slept on his back with his hands out, snoring a little. Isaiah kissed him on the cheek and stretched, sitting up. Kayson winded up waking up 10 minutes later, which was right around the time when Aunt Shay went to work.

"I'm going to work, Isaiah." Aunt Shay said in a low tone. "Do y'all want me to bring back something to eat when I get back?"


"What do you want?"

"Eh.......just some Coney Island." Isaiah nodded. "A bacon cheeseburger with extra bacon on it is fine with me. And some chocolate milk for Kayson."

"Alright." Aunt Shay said as she prepared to leave.

Isaiah lifted up in his bed a little, looking at the door.

"Thanks ma." Isaiah nodded.

"You're welcome baby." Aunt Shay sighed. "Um.......I heard what happened to your friend today."

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