Chapter 52 - Step Madre.

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Tyler was shocked. She stood up and glanced at them from afar, then jogged up to Isaiah and Kayson in her black heels.

"Isaiah!" Tyler cheesed as she ran up to him. "Are you.......are you coming with me?"

"I'm only gone come for a WEEK. 2 weeks tops." Isaiah said, grinning at her and holding up the peace sign. "If I like it, I'll stay. But I'ma have to tell my mama goodbye and all that other shit...."

"YAY!" Tyler squealed.

She gave Isaiah a really right hug, watching him stumble back a little.

"Watch it, girl." Isaiah grinned. "You gone kill Kayson!"

"Oh shoot." Tyler laughed as she moved her hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry."

Isaiah looked out at the airplanes, then looked back at Tyler.

"But wait, if yo' flight leave now, how the hell am I gone come now?" Isaiah asked.

"Oh. Psh! Don't worry about that." Tyler scoffed as she waved her hand and reached into her purse. "I have enough to buy you a first class ticket right next to mine."

"You ride first class?"

"I told you that my dad has money." Tyler nodded. "How do you think we were able to afford that mansion we lived in in Cali? Heh heh."

And with that, Tyler went up to the passport area around the front of the desk to buy Isaiah a first class ticket next to hers. Tyler had her passport, but Isaiah didn't, so she lied and told them that he was 17 so that he wouldn't have to have one to fly out.

Within a half an hour, they were boarding their flight. Isaiah wheeled him and Kayson's luggage inside of the airplane, watching people walk all the way to the back. While following them, Tyler placed her hand out and scrunched her eyebrows at him.

"Where are YOU going?" Tyler laughed.

"Don't we go to the back?" Isaiah asked.

"No goofball. We sit up front." Tyler said as she placed her suitcases into the one above hers, inching out of the way of oncoming passengers. "You can put your luggage up here in the second bin next to mine."

Isaiah gave Kayson to Tyler and moved his suitcase and luggage next to hers. Afterwards, he sat down next to her and took Kayson back, holding him in his lap.

He'd never felt so uncomfortable. The majority of the people in the first class were white, so you know that he never felt easy around them considering the fact that the "white folk" were always out in Schaefer, not solving any crimes or murders because of everyone's lifestyle. But first class was completely worth it. Tyler and Isaiah had pillows on the top of their seats, a TV embedded in the seats in front of them, and silverware wrapped up in white napkins in the pockets of the seats. He looked around a little, then looked at her.

"So how does this....y'know.........flight thing work?" Isaiah asked, shaking a little.

Tyler scrunched her eyebrows at him, creaking her mouth open a little.

"Are you nervous, Isaiah?"

"What? Who me? Nah." Isaiah said as he shook his head. "I was just...."


As the sound of the flaps opening up on the wings rushed through the airplane, Isaiah hung onto the seat and glanced out of the window.

"Woah what was that!?" Isaiah jumped.

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