Chapter 27 - Crucial Mistake.

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The next morning, Aunt Shay took off her day job to attend her doctors appointment. She's been having chest pains for a while, so she wanted to see what was wrong. After the doctor took a urinary test and gave her a ultrasound, the doctor came back with the results of what she really had.

"Mrs. Steel, have you been really stressed lately?" The doctor asked as she sat down with her clipboard.

"No......well, a little.." Aunt Shay sighed. "Just with the bills and....trying to get my sons out of the area we live in. The Schaefer Projects is no place to-"

"You live in the Schaefer Projects?" The female doctor gasped.

"A heh heh. Yeah." Aunt Shay sighed again. "It's's pretty rough."

"The killing of a 6 year old boy was all over the news the other day." The doctor nodded.

"Yeah." Aunt Shay groaned in an embarrassed tone. "It's's pretty rough out there."

The doctor paused for a while, glancing at her clipboard.

"Well um, we think that you have a disease called Coronary Artery Disease. It's where the smooth passages of your blood flow becomes rigid and could block all flor for good, eventually leading to death." The doctor said. "It is the DEADLIEST heart disease, but don't let that fear you. All you have to do is lower stress and eat a little better, then it'll open that passage. A nice glass of red wine every day shall fix that as well."

Aunt Shay have never had a serious disease before, so she was worried. Having to face the situation with Noah's college, Isaiah's attitude, and her over piling bills, she decided not to tell the boys about her disease. The last thing she wanted was for them to worry. When Aunt Shay arrived back at the house, I said Hi to her as I always did. Isaiah stood up off of the couch and gave her a hug, also giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey ma." Isaiah smiled. "You home early!"

"Yeah..." Aunt Shay said in a bummed tone, cracking a small smile. "I'll uh....I gotta go make a call, alright?"


I knew that something was wrong with Aunt Shay based on her demeanor. However, I didn't think that it was anything big since she always seemed to stress everyday. Meanwhile, Isaiah was preparing to go and hang out with the boys like he always did. He asked me if I wanted to go, but I had to bail because I was due for another test. Me and Tyler received a 75% for our project and I'd received a 70% on my last test, so my mother was pretty pissed to find out that I had average grades when we spoke on the phone. I had to do better.

When Isaiah told Noah that he was leaving, Noah didn't ask to come with him like he usually did. Noah sat in his room, reading a book on freed slaves.

"I'm out, so let mama know where I'm at if she ask." Isaiah said, peeking into Noah's room.


Isaiah scrunched his eyebrows at him, giving him a weird look.

"Wow!" Isaiah laughed. "You ain't asking to go with me for once?"

"No, especially considering the fact that you don't want me to come with you." Noah smiled as he gave him a sarcastic look.

"What are you talking about?" Isaiah asked.

"I heard you talking to Josh yesterday talking about how much of a "pest" I was." Noah snarled. "I'm not stupid, Isaiah."

Isaiah sat down next to Noah on a stool inside of his room, nodding his head.

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