Chapter 17 - Bigger Balls.

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At first, I thought that Isaiah was going to be gone for the whole night. He wasn't. He came back to the house less than 5 minutes later, storming back inside and pacing back and forth like he always did. Isaiah sighed afterwards and looked down. When he looked at me and Tyler, Isaiah pointed his gun at Tyler, watching her throw her hands up and tear up in fear. Knowing Isaiah's mind, I had no clue what was wrong with him or what he was going to do.

"Please!" Tyler plead as she kept her hands up. "Don't shoot!"

"Yo Isaiah what the hell you doin'?" I barked as I gave him a worried look. "Why you pointing the gun at her?"

"You ain't gone snitch, is you?" Isaiah asked as he scrunched his eyebrows at her, keeping the gun pointed at her.

"No. No!" Tyler continued, hoping that he wouldn't shoot. "Just don't shoot!"

Isaiah lowered his gun, giving her a blank look. There was small things that told me that Isaiah was losing it. He looked at me and cracked a small smile, jogging back upstairs and going into his room. When I looked at Tyler, I immediately knew that she was scared straight. I placed my hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her as much as I could.

"Are you alright?" I asked as she turned around and continued to work on her costume.


"Look, he wasn't going to shoo-"

"Josh, can we just finish working on our project?" Tyler said in a shaken tone, giving me a worried look.

Damn. Her cutting me off just assured me that she didn't want to talk about it. I turned around and picked up my costume, finishing my editing.

"Oh. Yeah..." I mumbled as I leaned forward and picked my costume up off of the floor. "Sorry."

I was so embarrassed. I knew that after today, it was a nail in the coffin for the only close friend that I had at my college. I knew that Tyler wasn't going to hang out with me on the weekend. I couldn't believe that Isaiah didn't know how to control himself in damn near any situation, even when I had a guest over.

It was really starting to piss me off.

The next day, I headed off to college in Isaiah and Noah's car since Noah said that I could use it. I talked to my mother and father in a morning to get some daily spiritual food from the both of them, then made my way to class. Today was the day of presentations. When I got there, my professor randomly selected the 4 groups that were going to present today, and the 4 groups that were going to go tomorrow. Me and Tyler were third. After spending almost 10 minutes watching each group perform, it was me and Tyler's turn. We placed our outfits on and went up in front of the class, performing the bad and the good side of Macbeth and his wife.

To me, I think we did a good job. But this wasn't high school. I couldn't tell what grade professor was going to give us because he always kept the same serious face on him when he graded projects. After performing for 8 minutes, the class clapped as the last group came up to perform. They went for 10 minutes, then the teacher got up and stood in front of the class. After everyone gave them a round of applause, he smiled and looked up at us.

"That was some very good performances class. However, I think that some of you are still in your high school phase. They could've been done better." Mr. Umlauf said in a serious tone. "On another note, that's why you guys are here. To IMPROVE. After I put these grades in, i'll tell you guys what your next assignment is going to be."

Mr. Umlauf was starting to piss me off as well. As a teacher, it seemed like he was never satisfied with ANYTHING. Me and Tyler bust our asses on that project, so him calling our work "mediocre" bothered me a little.

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