Chapter 18 - Headshot.

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Isaiah grabbed his fathers unconscious body and dragged him down the stairs, watching his blood trail down the stairs. I was asleep on the couch, when I heard hard thudding from the stairs. I lifted up in the couch and watched as Isaiah opened the door, preparing to throw him outside. I jumped off of the couch and cut on the lights, giving him a sleepy look.

"What the hell?" I sniffed as I glanced at Isaiah. "You killed your own father?"

"Look at his nuts." Isaiah smiled.

When I glanced at his balls, there was so much blood that I couldn't tell what had happened. When I leaned a little closer, I noticed that they were missing. My eyes widened as I rushed to the trash basket and threw up. Isaiah glanced at me, smiling harder and showing his white teeth as he unlocked his door.

"I told this nigga that I would cut his balls off and shove it down his throat." Isaiah said as he opened the front door, unlocking the screen door. "He didn't believe me."

"Isaiah, you can't just drag him out in the middle of the street!" Aunt Shay cried as she jogged into the living room. "What if somebody see's you out there?!"

"Ma, i'm dragging him outside so that somebody else can call the police and have them take his ass in." Isaiah laughed as he started dragging him outside. "Don't worry, police don't investigate or take any crimes out here seriously."

As Isaiah dragged his father out into the middle of the street, he left him there for someone to see him in the daytime, walked back into the house, and shut the door like nothing happened. Noah walked downstairs from hearing all of the screaming, rubbing his eyes and looking at Aunt Shay and Isaiah.

"What happened?" Noah yawned as he looked at all of us.

"Let's just say that you don't have to worry about your father bothering us anymore." Aunt Shay smiled. "Isaiah handled him."

"You mean, Isaiah killed him?!" Noah gasped in shock.

"I cut that nigga balls off and made him taste the glory." Isaiah smiled as he locked the door. "That nigga laying out in the middle of the street."

"Oh my god!" Noah gasped again as he ran towards the front door. "We've gotta help hi-"

"Hell nah! Let somebody else call that shit in!" Isaiah barked as he ran in front of the door. "If we call, the police gone try to be on our heads!"

"He gone be able to tell the police that you did it, Isaiah!" Noah snarled. "We've gotta help him!"

"Isaiah knows what he's doing Noah so cut it out!" Aunt Shay snapped as he gave him a strict look. "He's not going to die, so stop being over dramatic and go back to bed! You better not step foot outside of this house or you'll get us caught!"

Isaiah grimmed him with an evil smile as he brushed past him, taking his shoes off and walking up the stairs. Aunt Shay sprayed the spots on the carpet that had blood on it, letting it soak so that she could clean it off the next day. Noah watched the both of them walk upstairs, shaking his head before sitting down at the kitchen table and covering his face.

He was starting to think that Aunt Shay was treating Isaiah better than him now.

"Did he really cut his balls off, or did Isaiah kill him?" Noah asked me as I laid back down on the pullout couch.

"He actually cut his balls off. Isaiah told him that he would do it if he ever put his hands on Aunt Shay." I said in an agitated tone, trying to go to sleep. "And you know that 99% of the time when Isaiah says that he's going to do something, he does it."

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